
Granted, but you don't have your homework done.

I wish it was summer and raining outside :D
Granted, but the end is just another beginning.

I wish I had a Wendy's combo right about now.. :P~
Granted, but being me isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I wish I was on the beach down south, snoozing in the hot sun ..
Granted, but you lose your hearing to an ear infection the day before.

I wish winter would just GO FUCK ITSELF! :)
Granted, but in a corrupt world it doesn't stand a chance!

I wish I had put more crackers in my soup..
Granted, but the reply contained an insult to your mother.

I wish I didn't have a headache.
Granted, but that someone becomes increasingly annoying!

I wish it rained DVDs...
Granted, but while falling from the clouds they pick up such speed that the CD's slice you up real good and you die from loss of blood.

I wish I could run.