
Granted , u have the super power of making every thing collapse around you .
I wish i had a three days pass for wacken :s
granted but u would get so hammered on the 1st day your head would explode at the slightest noise

I wish i could go 2 norway instead of spain 4 holiday
Granted , cos they start touring with Tokyo hotel lol .
I wish I could find the Fucking single blond long haired guy who's not gonna be afraid of being serious n who doesn't think that his drug comes before me :erk: .
Granted but u get stuck with me forever ! mouahahah , there's no escape from the tentacles of cadavria .
I wish i could apparate in the middle of a mountain so i get to explore it by my self n feel the excitement of seeing the day growing darker n the beasts coming out .
You apparate into the middle of solid rock and die...

I wish I had a bigger mp3 player. My 30GB is full and I'm having to delete stuff get to get new stuff on :(.
Granted , but they make you work 19 hours a day , every day of the week , with no vacation at all , mouahahaha .
I wish i could take a taxi to dethroned's place and kick his fucking ass cos he's not picking up his phone!
Granted, but the taxi driver is an alcoholic schizophrenic serial killer who ends up driving into the wall thinking someone is after him and murders you in fear.

I wish I could wish for something that is uncorruptable.
Granted , but they'll have fucking Amy Winehouse as a singer mouahahaha , imagine the mess !
I wish , I wish , ummm :erk: i wish I could find a long blond haired man with a nice belly ( a round one :D) and who's not addicted to fucking every thing in this world !
lol come on make a wish Cannibal !
As u do not wish for any thing , I'm gonna deny you the wish of going to any fest till the end of ur life mouahahaha .
I wish I could stop thinking about my future for 3 days :erk: , n not be dead or in a coma or brainless or handicapped or mutilated or suffering from any kind of pshycologic illness .
Granted, but you will fall out the window into the suer.

I wish i could actually have a relationship last more then a month.
You call 12 kids pessemistic? i call that over optimistic!

Anyways Granted but you get so happy to have no desire anymore in this cruel world and end up commiting sucide.