
Granted but i kill u first mouahahaha
I wish i could go to lac titi-kaka and forget about this fucking material world . :erk:
Granted but you get so bored from controlling it u finally decide u'd better go live in the jurassic .
I wish the moon doesn't appear so i get to see the "perseides rains" .
now the moon's gone and everything sucks and it's all because of you. And you get aids.

I wish Chuck Schuldiner was alive.
Granted , but he falls in love with me and plays only private concerts for me, myself and I . And stop talking about AIDS ! Cake man !
I wish Cake man pulls his face out here n shows us his real cake man face .
ok, but seeing my masculine beauty causes you to fall on a pile of hypodermic needles and you get aids.

I wish you had aids.
Granted , but as i get dazzled by ur masculine beaty i rape you n u get AIDS too .
I wish I could post here the pic of my ex's penis ( u'll laugh it's malfomed ! the tip is twisted looooool ) as a revenge .
Granted. but, that will most likely get you banned..

I wish aids to never even be in this world again.
Wish've just lost your legs in a car smash, the good news is your Alive, the bad news is, we have no Aids you must drag your sorry asre around just like a dog with worms...All because you wanted the world to be rid of Aids...:lol:

I wish someone would fix my computer :erk:
You know if that werew to be true i'd give up my legs..

Granted, but now you have the Terminator coming after you.
Granted , but it would be in another dimention , where they would be only worms and no humans , mouahahaha , u're gonna for sure rule them , but berk u'll be getting a worm queen !
I wish i could go in a long trip to some last region of the world .
Wish granted, and you go out for lunch . You order lasagna and you can't wait for it to be ready yom yumm . Still the cook cuts him self n bleeds into it , n he decides to give it to u any way . You don't notice a thing and you eat it with good appetite BUT 8 months later you start loosing weight , some weird funghies appear onto ur skin and the simplest cold turns to a real misery .
Diagnosis : You are seropositiv .

I wish i had some lasagna now that i've been talking abot food .
i actually got thai.

Ok, you get AIDS from the lasagna because a junkie dropped his needle in it.

I wish I could go home.