
My bear would eat the kangaroo, tbh...

anyhow, granted, now you're a fat bald retarded asshole with no talent and stupid tattoos. Congratulations.

I wish I was Chuck Schuldiner. Oh, fuck, he's dead...I wish I was Trey Azagthoth.
Wish granted, you morph into his namesake, the Blind Idiot God... except without the God part. Have fun with that.

I wish I knew my subject better for my exam tomorrow...
wish granted, you studdy hard all night till early hours in the morning you know all the right answers, you sleep till 3pm your test was at 9am now you must repeat the year :heh:

I wish I was the one who just won the $50mill on Power Ball :kickass:
Wish granted but then your arms fall off.

I wish this cold would go away, I don't know wots making me sick the most, lemsips, soothers, and butter-menthol OR the bloody flu.:erk:
that would be okay with me.
You seem to have ended the thread, as you didn't make a wish.

I wish I could go to Summer Slaughter today.