
Granted, but while everyone else is being reincarnated, you're bed ridden for eternity.

I wish I had the strength to stay up 10 more minutes ..
judas69 said:
Granted, but while everyone else is being reincarnated, you're bed ridden for eternity.

I wish I had the strength to stay up 10 more minutes ..

Granted, but you won't wake up for a year.

I wish American Idol didn't exist.
granted , it is now an even worse show called "American Britney Spears Wannabes" !

I wish I had the money to get the tattoo I want ...
granted - you get shock treatment and are now happyhappyhappy all the time :p

I wish I had a cooler car
granted , and you have lots of fun with them until they all band together and hang you from a tree :lol:

I want my very own mini-me