
Granted, everyone discovers morality can exist in a secular state and the world becomes quite peachy :)

I wish my cold was gone.
Grated, it now smells like longbottom leaf, finest weed in all the land.

I wish I didn't have so much work to do!
Granted, but your perfect wish is misinterpreted by billions throughout history, and wars rage on in your wishes name as people vei for the title of the true understanders of there belief in the wish! Eventually all of humanities cultures will end up becoming athiwishts!

I wish I had a lot of money to buy stuff I want this Friday.
Granted, but everything you wanted is no longer for sale

I wish i had an awesome salad with fresh un-diseased not worm infested lettuce,cherry tomatoes that are perfect in everyway and cheese that is neither off nor mouldy and if i drop it i still eat it and it tastes absolutely brilliant
Granted, but you accidentally killed the kid and now are facing charges!

I wish people would lighten the hell up.