Could Satan actually exist ? ? ?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I'm pretty sure he does, and I'm pretty sure he is one or all members of Deathspell Omega. Why? Because Deathspell Omega has clearly sold their souls. NO BAND ON EARTH is better right now. I've been listening to Kenonse and Si Momentum . . . it just doesn't get any better than this right now. Satan is unleashing everything he's got in the form of Deathspell's music.

I think calling Deathspell Omega the Neurosis of black metal is highly fitting, but some of you faggity-fags probably don't like that.

What's the word on their earlier releases? There's 2 earlier full-lengths . . . right?
I'm crying inside that I don't own any Deathspell Omega yet.

I have no:
Deathspell Omega
Astrofaes (take it back, I have Dying Emotions...)
Blut Aus Nord

Yeah I know, I suck. Commence insulting.
Welcome to the party pal. [/johnmcclane]

Better late than never I suppose, but well, you know, we've had a million threads on DsO here already. Where you been? :loco:
MadeInNewJersey said:
I have no:

Blut Aus Nord

Yeah I know, I suck. Commence insulting.

Why would I insult you for not owning albums from the Most Overrated Band in Metal? [/beatingdeadhorse]

Still haven't heard DsO. Prolly someday.
Satan is alive and well.

and to prove it here, with the full cooperation of all the men and women involved, is an actual celebration of the black mass...
JayKeeley said:
Yeah but Mark, you have HEARD's not like you haven't heard the stunning genius of Si Monumenvm at least on MP3.

Yes, I have at least (still only 1/2 the album though). I just need to find a distro that has several of their albums for a reasonable price. Everyplace is like $14.
Interviewer: sup
Deathspell Omega: We're pretentious assholes.

That's pretty much the whole review summarised for your reading pleasure.