Could Satan actually exist ? ? ?

Nate The Great said:
I can't imagine a band jumping from only slightly better than average to where Deathspell is on Si Monumentum. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

By the way, I rip everything I get to mp3 so I can listen to it anywhere. I can take like 300 CDs with me in a little mp3 player also. But I still can't get past not owning the CD. I've bought CDs of promos I have, just because I didn't have the official thing.

agreed, on both statements
Auschwitz said:
I don't see how that is fair, considering the rest of the money goes to the record label. If a record label can't make enough profit off a band then chances are they won't get signed up for another CD.

Of course, this doesn't apply to bigger sized labels and bands. :Spin:

[/irony that I don't buy CDs fullstop]

strangely, you make an excellent point

it's too bad you're still too much of a punk to buy the fucking albums
Auschwitz said:
I don't see how that is fair, considering the rest of the money goes to the record label. If a record label can't make enough profit off a band then chances are they won't get signed up for another CD.

True, but in an ideal world, there would be better distribution of wealth. I do recognize that labels put in all the financial risk, however.
On hold man. Reality set in, but pretty much my life is on hold (for extra-curricular activities) for about 4 years (or until my youngest is a little older and going to school).
Listening to Kenose today made me realize 2 things that make DSO so damn gnarly:

1) They play REAL, GENUINE black metal that takes itself seriously without being laughable. Seriously, that's a big feat.

2) At the same time, they manage to sound fresh and innovative without resorting to gimmicks like clean vocals, keyboard solos, violins, harmonicas, hardcore breakdowns, etc. The "riffing," if you can call it that, is nothing short of stunning. Listen to the weird, almost prog, riff that comes in around the 12 minute mark on "Kenose I".....
Dick Sirloin said:
1) They play REAL, GENUINE black metal that takes itself seriously without being laughable. Seriously, that's a big feat.


2) At the same time, they manage to sound fresh and innovative without resorting to gimmicks like clean vocals, keyboard solos, violins, harmonicas, hardcore breakdowns, etc. The "riffing," if you can call it that, is nothing short of stunning. Listen to the weird, almost prog, riff that comes in around the 12 minute mark on "Kenose I".....

Q4T the sequel.

You have heard Circumcision and Spice right?
If I remember correctly, I was the only RC member to have it in his Top 10 of 2004... :p

(though Erik might have had it too, don't remember)
I meant "officially writing for Royal Carnage" not "member of some sort of homersexual message board". :D
Who has heard their song Diabolus Absconditus? RIFF FEST !!!!!!! and in top 5 Dso songs which says much.