

Two weeks ago I seen a chick who looked very similar to this harlot. She was waiting at a cross walk for a green light to signal "proceed". Truly out of her element in a penurious part of town. She looked over her shoulder many a time for any would be rapists that happened to be rummaging through the rat infested dumpsters that canvas the area. She looked pure and innocent, unlike this cum guzzler.
You are so cool Matthew..... What's it like to be like you??

Edit: Yeah I look so much like a harlot or a frame is so clearly that of a fucking slut.

I've been with only one man in my entire life. I've never so much as held another man's hand. and I don't want to. I'm probably the least permiscuous person on this entire fucking board, and you think you're such hot shit to berate me and call me a slut. YOU are the slut you fucking prick.
Oh no that totally negates everything I said because I spelled one word wrong!

Bitch, that one man soiled your good name more so than an entire offensive line ever could. I seen the picture of you in an uncompromising pose, flaunting your worldly offerings for Sean's post adolescent oats. You make me sick to my stomach. I'm surprised your wind piped is still intact after some of the shit I've heard (and imagined). Hopefully, you've learned your lesson not to post personal experiences on a fucking message board.