Cryptopsy - Slit Your Guts. WTF??!!


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I just downloaded this song after reading the recommendations in the "Best death metal band" thread.
After listening to it, I have to say it's shite. Are there any lyrics or is the "vocalist" just going "RAAAR! RAR RAR RAR! RAAAAR! ROOARRR!" It's a fucking horrible song. Are all their songs like this, or have I downloaded their worst by accident?
I'm a fan of Morbid Angel, Carcass and Death etc. BTW so it's not like I'm not a death metal fan - this song just sucks dick.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I just downloaded this song after reading the recommendations in the "Best death metal band" thread.
After listening to it, I have to say it's shite. Are there any lyrics or is the "vocalist" just going "RAAAR! RAR RAR RAR! RAAAAR! ROOARRR!" It's a fucking horrible song. Are all their songs like this, or have I downloaded their worst by accident?
I'm a fan of Morbid Angel, Carcass and Death etc. BTW so it's not like I'm not a death metal fan - this song just sucks dick.
Phobophile is probably more accessible, but all songs on that album including slit Your Guts fucking rule.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I just downloaded this song after reading the recommendations in the "Best death metal band" thread.
After listening to it, I have to say it's shite. Are there any lyrics or is the "vocalist" just going "RAAAR! RAR RAR RAR! RAAAAR! ROOARRR!" It's a fucking horrible song. Are all their songs like this, or have I downloaded their worst by accident?
I'm a fan of Morbid Angel, Carcass and Death etc. BTW so it's not like I'm not a death metal fan - this song just sucks dick.
IM so FUCKING TIERD of stupid shit newbies trying to get into heavier music.Go listen to ur iron maiden dickhead idiot.
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Yeah. Right Avgrund. Sorry you're TIERD of me. I'd try and argue with you, citing the fact that I'm a fan of Death, Carcass, Opeth etc. (listening to VADER right now) but you're clearly a fucking troll. So shut up please, and let the normal people answer my post.

eh.... don't listen to that asshole....

I think Slit Your Guts is the best song off NSV, and while we have all had this discussion recently, everyone seems to think the vocals are some of the best there is to offer.... but they kinda bore me....
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I just downloaded this song after reading the recommendations in the "Best death metal band" thread.
After listening to it, I have to say it's shite. Are there any lyrics or is the "vocalist" just going "RAAAR! RAR RAR RAR! RAAAAR! ROOARRR!" It's a fucking horrible song. Are all their songs like this, or have I downloaded their worst by accident?
I'm a fan of Morbid Angel, Carcass and Death etc. BTW so it's not like I'm not a death metal fan - this song just sucks dick.

Well, that's just your opinion. And your opinion is laughable, I'm afraid ;) Slit Your Guts is so brilliant it hurts. It's one of the best songs ever. Who cares if you cannot actually HEAR the lyrics? Lord Worm's vocals are sheer genius, and fits the music perfectly. The riffs are brilliant, and nail me to the floor with vengeance. Yes.

In my opinion, of course :loco:
Sorry SV - I didn't see the discussion about the vocals. They sound fucking ridiculous to me, you can't hear anything other than a noise. In fact - that sums up the whole song.

Hey - Vaders "The Final Massacre" sounds a bit like Show No Mercy era Slayer! (sorry, listening to it just now).
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Sorry SV - I didn't see the discussion about the vocals. They sound fucking ridiculous to me, you can't hear anything other than a noise. In fact - that sums up the whole song.

Hey - Vaders "The Final Massacre" sounds a bit like Show No Mercy era Slayer! (sorry, listening to it just now).

Have you downloaded a 64 kbps version of the song, or is your sound system a tad shite? It's not very noisy at all. Skip to about 3:04 - wonderful solo, followed by one of my alltime favourite riffs at around 3:29.
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Hehe, Cryptopsy is jumping into the deep end a little....but then again, I and (you've noticed) most other death metal heads think the music off of None So Vile is genius.....and Slit Your Guts is my personal favourite Cryptopsy song! So....yeah.....if you're not into death metal at all, you're not to blame really, anything by Cryptopsy will seem like noise.......I don't think they're the best death metal band to start on! But honestly, it's not just noise, and maybe if you ever get into death metal, whether by Cryptopsy or other bands, you'll definately come to appreciate how truly awesome Slit Your Guts is, as well as most everything else Cryptopsy have to offer.

I'm sorry you feel that way initially though! The first time I heard it I was :OMG: =)
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Yes but Henrikmain, you don't like the vocals on Reign In Blood - so your opinion = fuck all. "Lord Worm" ( :guh: :lol: ) sounds like a fucking idiot.


True, I disliked Araya's vocals on that record. Having listened more to it, though, I can live with his vocals, and they don't really ruin the songs like I first thought. Yes, my opinion is probably worth "fuck all" (subtle description :p ), but then again - this whole board is based on people's opinions, so.. :wave: If you don't like my opinions, then fine - I just gave you my thoughts about the song in question.
henrikmain said:
Have you downloaded a 64 kbps version of the song, or is your sound system a tad shite? It's not very noisy at all. Skip to about 3:04 - wonderful solo, followed by one of my alltime favourite riffs at around 3:29.

Okay I did as you said.
First - at 3:04 - the solo. You like that? It sounds, honestly, like I played it. I'm okay on the guitar but no Trey or Chuck - that solo is fucking crap.
The riff at 3:29 - yeah okay, that's not bad, and if the rest of the song was like that it'd be good.

I suppose I just dont like bands that are 1000mph ALL THE TIME - I like a death metal band to have some slow grinding sections as well - like Pull The Plug by Death. That is death metal heaven for me.
AND you can HEAR THE WORDS!! Not just a roaring noise! :)
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Okay I did as you said.
First - at 3:04 - the solo. You like that? It sounds, honestly, like I played it. I'm okay on the guitar but no Trey or Chuck - that solo is fucking crap.
The riff at 3:29 - yeah okay, that's not bad, and if the rest of the song was like that it'd be good.

I suppose I just dont like bands that are 1000mph ALL THE TIME - I like a death metal band to have some slow grinding sections as well - like Pull The Plug by Death. That is death metal heaven for me.
AND you can HEAR THE WORDS!! Not just a roaring noise! :)

Well, fair enough. Yeah, I love that solo - it may not be very technical, but I think it sounds good and fits the song well. Glad you can appreciate the übergood riff at 3:29. It really is incredible. Just a couple of more listens, and you're hooked - I know it ;)
SculptedCold said:
Hehe, Cryptopsy is jumping into the deep end a little....but then again, I and (you've noticed) most other death metal heads think the music off of None So Vile is genius.....and Slit Your Guts is my personal favourite Cryptopsy song! So....yeah.....if you're not into death metal at all, you're not to blame really, anything by Cryptopsy will seem like noise.......I don't think they're the best death metal band to start on! But honestly, it's not just noise, and maybe if you ever get into death metal, whether by Cryptopsy or other bands, you'll definately come to appreciate how truly awesome Slit Your Guts is, as well as most everything else Cryptopsy have to offer.

I'm sorry you feel that way initially though! The first time I heard it I was !!:OMG: =)
Hey SC, ya tadger! Didn't you read my posts? :bah:
I'm NOT a death metal newbie - I'm listening to Zyklon right now, and like I said before I love Carcass, Death, Morbid Angel etc etc. I just dont like that Cryptopsy song Slit Your Guts. The riffs are all too fast, the vocals are terrible, and the solos sound like an amateur played them.

Henrikmain - I wasn't being cheeky about you having an opinion - I was just kidding. Maybe I've had too much beer. :erk: Sorry mate! I know it's all about opinions, and my opinion is - Slit Your Guts is shite. I suppose it'll grow on me but why should I try, when I can listen to bands like Vader, Zyklon, Opeth etc and not have to try to enjoy them?

Cheers guys - don't take offence if I sounded like I was moaning at you, I wasn't! !:kickass:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
AND you can HEAR THE WORDS!! Not just a roaring noise! :)
I think you got it wrong. You are not meant to try to understand what Lord Worm is saying. :) His voice is almost an instrument of its own that just fits the music perfectly. Sorta like monks chanting in some other kinds of music or whatnot. Such vocals are prevalent in the most brutal forms of death metal. Take Brodequin for example, the dude sounds like a wind! :) Listen to Brodequin (I recommend tracks Lake of the Dead, Trial by Ordeal and Mazzatello) while we're at it. After that, you will find Cryptopsy rather mellow. :p
Hello my name is Iron_Metal4evah and i heard like death metal should be cool music and stuff.So i download this Suffocation song and i was like oh my GOD this guy is just screaming and one dude is beating the drum kit with a stick.The guitarrs is going like DWeew DeWWW dododo DuuuUWW and drums like BANG BANG POOF POOF and the singer(HE Cant sing like bruce dickinsonn!!) Wguuggfff guuufff luufff dooff woooff.And this music so suck !
TakinTheMusicBack: I forgot one thing. Before you write off Cryptopsy completely, download the track Cold Hate, Warm Blood. This single track got a friend of mine hooked on Cryptopsy even though he doesn't like death metal very much. This songs still gives me shivers all over my body even after hundreds of listens... listen to the climax towards the end of the song, it has got to be the most transcendental moment in the history of music. Ever!
Each to his own, as "they" say. Lord Worm sounds like an extended fart to me - how can you compare that to Chuck singing Open Casket or David Vincent going on about "demons race into my eyes" or Mikael's ungodly ROOOAAAR midway through Blackwater Park's title track?

Lord Worm sounds like a daft boy roaring into a mic. Shit. :bah:
yeah i'd definately try Cold Hate, Warm Blood before giving up on cryptopsy, new vocalist, slightly different style.... if you don't like older you might like newer, or vice versa.... though I like 'em both, I think Whisper Supremacy (the one with "Cold Hate, Warm Blood") is the best...
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Henrikmain - I wasn't being cheeky about you having an opinion - I was just kidding. Maybe I've had too much beer. :erk: Sorry mate! I know it's all about opinions, and my opinion is - Slit Your Guts is shite. I suppose it'll grow on me but why should I try, when I can listen to bands like Vader, Zyklon, Opeth etc and not have to try to enjoy them?

It's ok, mate, I wasn't angry or sad or anything. All's cool ;)