Cryptopsy - Slit Your Guts. WTF??!!

TakinTheMusicBack said:
Hey SC, ya tadger! Didn't you read my posts? :bah:
I'm NOT a death metal newbie - I'm listening to Zyklon right now, and like I said before I love Carcass, Death, Morbid Angel etc etc. I just dont like that Cryptopsy song Slit Your Guts. The riffs are all too fast, the vocals are terrible, and the solos sound like an amateur played them.

Henrikmain - I wasn't being cheeky about you having an opinion - I was just kidding. Maybe I've had too much beer. :erk: Sorry mate! I know it's all about opinions, and my opinion is - Slit Your Guts is shite. I suppose it'll grow on me but why should I try, when I can listen to bands like Vader, Zyklon, Opeth etc and not have to try to enjoy them?

Cheers guys - don't take offence if I sounded like I was moaning at you, I wasn't! !!!:kickass:
Yeah, fair enough, my silly eager eyes missed that. =) Regardless though, those bands aren't exactly of the brutal nature that Cryptopsy are.
You cannot deny their technical wizardry and by NO means deny their precision. Also, if deep growling doesnt require any talent, I'd like to hear you try and do it without fucking up your throat. Lastly, quit trying to spew off your condescending opinions as fact.

Technical wizards? Compared to whom? Other shitty death metal bands? Very well, if you really think they deserve praise because of their technical superiority over other bands that wouldn't know musical complexity if it bit them in the ass, then fine sir, be my guest. Also, precision is nothing to be proud of....I can't think of any decent band that doesn't utilize precision. If you don't have a sense of precision, your music will sound like a you're playing the instruments with your tongue, and badly I might add. As for the comment on deep growling, I prefer to hold on to my dignity, thank you. Oh, and I'll remember to use the words "in my opinion" at the beginning of every sentence next time just to please you. You see, I assumed that any human being with an IQ above 55 would be able to derive from common sense that my opinions are not to be taken as fact, but I suppose I was wrong.
I like Slit Your Guts. But honestly, I don't think None So Vile is their best CD - I like And Then You'll Beg and Whisper Supremacy better. On None So Vile the production is sometimes lacking, and you can't make out what that guitars are playing over the blastbeats. For some reason it irritates me when the blastbeats drown out the guitar riffs, but it is of course strictly a production issue.
I actually find the drum production on None So Vile quite lacking....the bass drums have a nice clear thwump, but the snares are awful. I can't tell if it's production or if it's just Flo's poor playing. I mean, when the blasts come in and Flo starts hitting the snare really fast, it starts loud and quickly fades into nothingness as if he just can't keep up the power of the wrist action. This is one of the reasons i've always seen Flo as overrated. Quite a few other deathgrind bands I know of blast the snare as fast as, or faster than Flo, without triggers and with consistent power. Foetopsy's/Brodequin's drummer Jon Engman is a good example.

I agree that ...And Then You'll Beg's production is killer, but Whisper Supremacy's is awful!! The guitars are such a huge thick wall of blurry noise that the bass drumming (nevermind the bassguitar or actual riffs) is awfully tiresome to discern.
I just downloaded that Slit Your Guts song, and it was OK. Not horribly bad as the original poster was saying. I have no problem w/ the vocals at all. I just think that 3:01 solo is bad and accomplishes nothing, but the subsequent riffs are great.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Technical wizards? Compared to whom? Other shitty death metal bands? Very well, if you really think they deserve praise because of their technical superiority over other bands that wouldn't know musical complexity if it bit them in the ass, then fine sir, be my guest. Also, precision is nothing to be proud of....I can't think of any decent band that doesn't utilize precision. If you don't have a sense of precision, your music will sound like a you're playing the instruments with your tongue, and badly I might add. As for the comment on deep growling, I prefer to hold on to my dignity, thank you. Oh, and I'll remember to use the words "in my opinion" at the beginning of every sentence next time just to please you. You see, I assumed that any human being with an IQ above 55 would be able to derive from common sense that my opinions are not to be taken as fact, but I suppose I was wrong.
Thank you...

Did you know that it is not uncommon for an elephant to be on its feet for up to 2 weeks after death?
I love Death Metal, I like Cryptopsy. Unfortunately Lord Worm's vocals are as horrible as my smelly farts on bad days. The production on None so Vile isn't as bad as you people make it out, but it still is not as good as some other Cryptopsy albums.

Cryptopsy is one of the most technical death metal bands I've heard with some pretty complex song structures(most of the time), but the weak part are the vocals. Lord Worm is utter shit and I'm glad DiSalvo took over. Lord Worm just sounds like he's randomly grunting and saying nothing. And don't think I'm a newbie to Death Metal, I love bands like Bloodbath, Kataklysm, Death, Nile, Morbid Angel, Hate Eternal, Suffocation, Zyklon and the list goes on.
Cheers for all the replies! (Apart from Avgrund, you can fuck off you cocksucker).

One thing that seems to crop up quite a lot is that I apparently don't like the really brutal death metal. Fair enough, I suppose not. But as far as I can see "brutal" just means ultra fast blastbeats, with very little tune, boring amateur solos, and a singer that sounds like he's just belching. What's brutal about it? "Hatework" sounds more brutal and crushing to me, than any 1000mph blastbeat.
SculptedCold said:
Whisper Supremacy's is awful!! The guitars are such a huge thick wall of blurry noise that the bass drumming (nevermind the bassguitar or actual riffs) is awfully tiresome to discern.

Disturbed4ntics said:
I agree with TTMB...But, I am not huge Death Metal fan myself. The lack of innovation, almost complete lack of anything interesting, and any kind of structure or just turns me off. Death Metal will never go anywhere. It's a useless genre of generic rip-offs. I don't see the point.

Leave. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

DiscipleOfPlato said:
Cryptopsy is not brilliant. No matter how you put it, there's nothing intriguing about their sound or lyrics. They are the conception of some terribly uncreative "musicians"(I'm using this term loosely) solely interested in sounding "LOUD" and "BRUTAL!!" to impress the legions of death metal fanatics whom only want to hear the same insipid, meaningless garbage over and over again, entirely oblivious to the fact that this music they so proudly proclaim as "FuCkIN' HeAVy-A$$ ShIt"(I'm baffled as to how this is counts as any sort of prestige) is really just shit.
o_O Thats such an ignorant comment I can't think up anything to say...

DiscipleOfPlato said:
Stop praising Lord Worm(stupid name) as if he's anything remotely resembling a decent vocalist. Please, the guy sounds like a toad choking on a fly, as if "deep growling" requires any talent. Oh, and the next person that refers to them as "technically brilliant" gets shot in the face.
But I agree with you on Lord Worm being a shit vocalist, but like someone said, Its takes some serious talent to do growls that deep and do it properly without fckin' your throat up.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Technical wizards? Compared to whom? .
listen to the NONE SO LIVE album...

go to the drum solo...

i think that there is no need to compare...

anyway is the same old story...

when morbid angel and death come up in late 80's everyone say that they are only a bunch of noise....

now is the same for modern death bands...

nothing change....
as good as Cryptopsy are, I wouldn't footnote it with the drum solo, because its pretty shit. All speed, not an ounce of creativity or rhythm, its actually pretty pathetic for someone of Flo's prestige.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
At last, someone agrees with me! Although I'm not a huge fan of death metal, I'm certainly not a "n00be" so keep your innocuously boring comments to yourself. Cryptopsy is not brilliant. No matter how you put it, there's nothing intriguing about their sound or lyrics. They are the conception of some terribly uncreative "musicians"(I'm using this term loosely) solely interested in sounding "LOUD" and "BRUTAL!!" to impress the legions of death metal fanatics whom only want to hear the same insipid, meaningless garbage over and over again, entirely oblivious to the fact that this music they so proudly proclaim as "FuCkIN' HeAVy-A$$ ShIt"(I'm baffled as to how this is counts as any sort of prestige) is really just shit. Stop praising Lord Worm(stupid name) as if he's anything remotely resembling a decent vocalist. Please, the guy sounds like a toad choking on a fly, as if "deep growling" requires any talent. Oh, and the next person that refers to them as "technically brilliant" gets shot in the face.

I'm sorry, but those points seem stupid to me. Cryptopsy ARE technically amazing, whether you can tell that or not, and to say they are just trying to be loud and burtal is pathetic. Try LISTENING to them!


Your opinions on the vocal style are obviously just against death metal vocals on the whole, not Cryptopsy in particular, because loads of DM vocals are like you explained.
Naggamanteh said:
I think you got it wrong. You are not meant to try to understand what Lord Worm is saying. :) His voice is almost an instrument of its own that just fits the music perfectly.

Very good point. On the very underrated "Blasphemy Made Flesh", Lord Worm uses his vocal abilities in even more extreme ways, and pulls it off amazingly well. All those little grunts and stuff he uses in the songs really get me pumped up, and fits the music perfectly. Cryptopsy IS technical, though. Perhaps not the first couple of albums, but try the songs "Cold Hate, Warm Blood" or "We Bleed" - very technical. This is not necessarily a good thing, though - some bands manage to pull of the technical thingy in a good way, others just throw in technical riffs and structures for the sake of it. I still prefer death metal songs with a lot of groove and not so much technicality, on a general basis.
SculptedCold said:
as good as Cryptopsy are, I wouldn't footnote it with the drum solo, because its pretty shit. All speed, not an ounce of creativity or rhythm, its actually pretty pathetic for someone of Flo's prestige.
i have mentioned drum solo only technically speaking...not mention creativity....

and i think technically speaking that solo is breathtaking...

henrikmain said:
On the very underrated "Blasphemy Made Flesh", Lord Worm uses his vocal abilities in even more extreme ways, and pulls it off amazingly well. All those little grunts and stuff he uses in the songs really get me pumped up, and fits the music perfectly.
Couldn't agree more. I like Blasphemy Made Flesh very much, Defenestration is an amazing track. Lord Worm's voice fits the raw music of that album so well. It is one of those rare cases when everythig clicks into place perfectly.
Naggamanteh said:
Couldn't agree more. I like Blasphemy Made Flesh very much, Defenestration is an amazing track. Lord Worm's voice fits the raw music of that album so well. It is one of those rare cases when everythig clicks into place perfectly.

Yeah, "Defenestration" and "Abigor" give me an adrenaline run I rarely find in other records! "Serial Messiah" and "Pathological Frolic" are also stand-out tracks. What an incredible record this is. Probably their best one. I always get in a good mood when listening to it too, strangely enough. Lord Worm may sound like a "frog on LSD", but that's just cool in my book - he's dared to go places other vocalists never dreamed of.
lol...i can't be fucked to read all the posts, but TakinTheMusicBack. What the hell are you saying?! who gives two fucking shits if you can't hear the lyrics, you should read the lyrics to the none so vile album, they really are almost fucking poetic. I personally like my vocals to sound like somebody vomiting into a bucket...i can't get enough of digusting 'wallowing in pig shit' gutturals....but yeah, thats your opinion of course.

Oh and btw to call Cryptopsy 'noise' is way out of line. Cryptopsy write great, intense technical death metal. Lord Worm is the fucking man.
Well if you like someone sound like they're "vomiting into a bucket" that's fine. Sounds stupid to me. I'd rather listen to Chuck grunting something intelligible like Leprosy.

And how can you say I'm out of line calling them noise, when you said yourself the singer sounds like he's vomiting in a bucket? What do you call that? A fucking melody? :guh: