Cryptopsy - Slit Your Guts. WTF??!!

I listened to Blasphemy Made Flesh and None So Vile today, enjoying them as usual. There are several points in favor of the part-time metal listeners. Throughout both CDs, there is not a single decipherable word, apart from the spoken interlude bits. It is simply screams, growls and roars of the finest kind, accompanied by lightning-fast death metal.

Lord Worm does not sing; he simply makes noises. They are pleasant noises, but noise nonetheless. You can read the lyric sheet and barely, just barely, make out sort of language, not unlike Nile. One does not pick up a Cryptopsy CD expecting vocals in the style of Amon Amarth and Morbid Angel.

None So Vile is pure, unadulterated, death metal. Cryptopsy does not concern themselves with clean vocals, for that would simply distract from their awesome music. Their playing is lightning-fast and varied, and they have some damned catchy tunes like "Slit Your Guts" and "Phobophile". Deride them if you will, but the band plays far too well to ever be considered crap.

I do not think them brutal anymore, having listened to their CDs so much. If listening to this band makes your head hurt, then just turn down the volume a bit and throw the album on repeat. On the first listen, if you aren't accustomed, it will simply seem like noise. After a couple of times through, you will discover the technical genius, buried as it is in blazing speed. If you are into death metal, you will eventually like this band, but it just takes time.