Cyhra - Jesper and Peter's new band

If there's a voice that sounds, how was it? Ah, yes, power-metally, that's anders voice. That, of course, if he could sing. When I listen to Jake is pop or rock what comes to mind, not power metal. Of course you could not know since you know almost nothing about power metal, so I forgive you.
Hey there, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is something different and I like this kind of music as well. With Anders on it, its pretty good. Enjoy it :)
Fanboy :p
Hahah maybe I can say the same thing about Jesper, that you would love anything he does?
I only like his work with in flames and this album. Both collaborative works. So, as a fanboy I'm a failure.
That is what reviews about dude and you know it. We all knew that we won't see negative reviews. Didn't we discussed about it when Battles topic?

We showed some bad reviews about battles. But yes, I don't usually trust reviewers and, as I said, the hype is excessive. The album is not that great.
Black Wings is such a strangely structured song. Tempo switching at a few parts which comes out of nowhere. Song is going fairly slow, then Jesper suddenly let's rip with a shredding solo :D but somehow it works.
After the bridge, the change of tempo in the chorus feels a little out of place. I'm still not used to it.
Actually its not like that. I love Anders's vocals because they're unique. Admit it or not, you cant find anyone sounds similar to his vocals (screams I mean) and I know that he's not a good singer too. Jake's vocals boring because there are a lot of band that have his sound. So that makes him boring. I don't really care if Jesper saying shit about Anders I don't listen songs based on some shit someone says. It's not my cup of tea and I don't get why is it so hard for you guys to understand.

Yeah, fine, whatever. At least when myself, A88 and Eochaid listen to an In Flames album we put some effort into our critiques. Yes we sometimes troll regarding Anders, but we all go into good detail about what we do and don't like about their albums. I even re-reviewed Siren Charms a couple of months ago.

Meanwhile in this thread all you and Krofius have said is "lol boring vocals, not my cup of tea". Well, wow. Thanks for that amazing insight, so mind blowing you both had to repeat it. Nonetheless, if that's all you've got to say then great, go away. If you've actually got something interesting to contribute (or funny, funny is fine) then I'd be happy to "understand". But all I understand so far is that yourself and Krofius are making a bare minimum effort to contribute anything worthwhile to the discussion which makes you both parasites in this thread. Stop leeching our blood, please.

That is what reviews about dude and you know it. We all knew that we won't see negative reviews. Didn't we discussed about it when Battles topic?

Genuinely, I haven't found a negative review yet. Lowest I found I think was 7.5. If you can show us some negative reviews of this album I'd be quite interested to see them actually.
Dark Clarity is definitely the weakest song for me on this album. There are parts of it which are okay, but overall I think it needed more work. It's not a bad song but it's not quite at the level of the others.

Karma, Closure, Inside a Lullaby, Heartrage, Here To Save You, Black Wings and Holding Your Breath (despite kinda gay lyrics) are all really good tracks though.
Okay, so I tried to not read too many comments in this thread in order to not sway my opinion too much before listening. I am aware that I am supposed to be in the group of naysayers, because the usual suspects are sucking Jesper's dick, I could see that from the few comments, but I have no agenda to alter my opinion here just so I can call them out. I mean, they said some rather retarded shit in the other threads ("IF SHOULD CHANGE NAMES XDDDDXDXDXD"), so even if I will love this record, they are still in for some ass kickin' (oh boy!!).

So what I know before listening: Jesper and Peter are in the band plus that singer from that band I heard a lot about, but never listened to. Cyko and Krofius said it was boring. "They can't keep repeating TJR, times change" - from motherfucking A88, I almost spit my monitor from the hypocrisy, but all right. I guess Jesper is that one girl, who is so fucking hot, that if she shits in your mouth it's okay, but if that other, ugly bitch does it, then she deserves the death sentence.

Oh wait guys, let me put in my awesome headphones!!! All right, just kidding. I mean, they are awesome but I was an idiot not buying it sooner and I asked you too about it, so for that, I owe you nothing but eternal gratitude. Did you know that if you listen to Lunar Strain with quality headphones, it stays as shitty as it ever was? It's true.

1. Karma - WOW that intro, okay. Groovy, aren't we? If the record is like the first 2 seconds, we're gonna be gucci. Okay, that's a vocal I did not expect to hear LOL. That chorus is pretty epic. Had to erase "fucking epic", because I can't let you guys hear that. But it was actually good. Like, this is actually pretty fucking good. Honestly, I would want to stop right here, right now. Anything else would just disappoint me now. That solo is quite lame. Just saying. Honestly, this is New Flames formula all over again: heavy music (yeah-yeah...), über-catchy chorus and a must have solo. The only exception is that this is an actual, Rick Rubin-quality catchy chorus. It doesn't matter if everything else is a fart, a song like this would get radio play if the band's name was.... I don't know, what metal bands are still getting radio play? Disturbed went big with Song of silence, so let's say them.

2. Heartrage - Told you. This is immediately shit from the start. Please chorus save me. Please. Here it comes. I know what I just said, but this is Anders lyrics sang with X-factor vocals. Telllll me whhyyyyyyyy you areeeeeee killling meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... MY DEMISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE X(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Oh shit guys, he is getting killed! Holy fuck, this rap part is actually good. This is dope, I'm digging this. This should have been the chorus. Hear me out: the same heavy base music, and in the chorus the guy raps like this. Honestly, it would have been genius and quite brave at the same time. I mean, this is a fucking gay song anyway, if any of you defended this, then seriously, delete your accounts, because you stoned IF lyrics for much less, and even the quality of chorus (non-lyric wise) is bang average. I don'T know, I love the mentality that if you are doing something, do it right. Want to make a song which will piss off half of the metalheads who except the second coming of Jesus aka Jesper? Then do that rap during the chorus, make it into an interesting song for us, who can enjoy variety and experimenting.

3. Here To Save You - Lol, that is actually some Lunar Strain shit benjoing at the start, haha! I like it; the only good part of LS besides Everlost was the acoustic parts. Okay, so far this is not a shit song. Hit me with the chorus baby. Give me. ... Here, you can have it back. At least the instrumental part is good. Wtf 2:50 :DDDDDDDDD I love these random parts. The foundation is pretty weak, but these random stuff are hilarious.
Verdict: I mean, so far, this track is the heaviest and the most virtuous in terms of instruments. In Karma they are supporting the godlike chorus, in Heartage everything is just lame, but here... I feel the focus is on them and not the chorus, so.... I guess it's not bad.

4. Muted Life - Is this song about me when I got like a 500 games long chat restriction in League of Legends? Cuz I can resonate with that then. There are drums in this band, never realized, nice. Piano too. Eyyyyy. Chorus time. Yeah... I like the drums, I like those ambient background stuff, I love the piano (or whatever keyboard instrument it is). The rest is meh. This band needed a second singer. Seriously, I love Shadow Duet and this band seems to be in dire need of that treatment. Hell, you know what? A female vocalist, there, I said it. Anything, but this. Good ideas, uninspired vocals (ON THIS TRACK, the guy has a good voice obviously, chill).

5. Closure - Promising start. Please, I rather take no chorus at all over boring shit at this point. Okay, this song is going to go from zero to 100 right? I can feel it. Am I right? Lets see, chorus time. No, but at least this is a semi-decent chorus. Okay, a good one, there, I said it. You know who would like these songs? Girls within the age of 14-22. No, I don't mean it a mean way, there are many metal bands which has a huge chick following. This song is like 101 how to please them - musically, you pervs. Again, I'm not complaining, I like Nightwish and Sonata Arctica, so I am okay with this. I'm gonna save this song as my ultimate chick magnet for metalhead girls.
- Hey Slave, what are you listening to? :)
- Oh, nothing, just this beautiful song from this metal band. You wouldn't like it imo.
- Show me!
- Nah, it wouldn't be too manly to show that I am a very empathetic and emotional man-beast, who has weaknesses.
- I want to hear it now!!!!
- *sends her Closure*
- Slave... I'm literally crying....
- Really??? You like it???? *already putting condoms in my online shop kart*

Erm, where was I? Yeah, nowhere, really. It is a nice song by Sonata Arc--, I mean CyHra. The fuck is that name btw?

6. Letter To Myself - Okay, before I start this song... there is literally a Sonata Arctica song called Letter To Dana. Coincidence? Probably. Okay, lesss gooo. Holy molly, well this sounds promising. Okay guy, is this how it is? After Karma, every 5th song is going to be some quality stuff? Should I just jump to Inside a Lullaby, sparing me the trouble? Okay, as much I trashed the instrumental parts before, if I try to not focus on the chorus, I can hear some neat stuff in the background. Like, the drums are pretty dope in this track. But I expect much more from Jesper, this is your regular "I am playing guitars for 8 months, let me improvise a solo!!!" Does it sound okay? Yes, but if you are Jesper or Real Madrid, people expect more from you than okay. Like the ending riffs, exactly. Fuck, why could they not make it into the middle of the song? It sounds a bit like the Take This Life solo, but who cares - yes, I am aware this wasn't a solo just some hammering at the end.

7. Dark Clarity - I hope it has something to do with Come Clarity, but probably not. Honestly, do you know what I want? To be done with this record and play Karma 0-24 for 2 weeks straight with some Letter to myselfs here and there. What am I supposed to say about this song by the way? I am honestly curious, I can't wait to read your reviews about this one, because.... it's like drinking water when I'm not even thirsty. Pure nothing. Not bad by any means. Just... why? Okay, for the third chorus, it grew on me. I mean, the chorus. Everything else is basic stuff. All right, some solo at the end, okay, I appreciate it, I like it, that1s what I talked about in the last song, but feels a little late. But hey, I guess my primitive brain can't handle that the solo was after the third and not the second chorus.

8. Holding Your Breath - Let's not talk about the gay lyrics. This might be good. And it is. So far. But once again, electronics+singer is carrying a song in a band with Jesper in it, WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT . XDD seriously, I am laughing irl, this is too good. It is like running from an abusive relationship into another one, and the best thing you can show for yourself is that this girl looks better at least. I mean, yeah, as I said, this guy has an American Idol voice, you can't not love it, but take it away, and what does this song have? Electronics, yes, good ones, but take those away too. Bam, nothing. Anyway, good song.

9. Rescue Ride -The beginning sounds like that techno music, mmm.. Kids [as I'm rereading this post, I remembered: Children]?? You know, from the guy who passed away last year. Haha! Okay, focus now. I hate the title btw. Oh, another Sonata Arctica Song. Sadly, this time it seems to be from the mediocre quality. I love it when this guy raps. "Raps" - chill. Can I skip this song? This is the epitome of "World of Warcraft Raid Compilation 2009* music.

10. Black Wings - Since the music is nothing much so far, let me say, I want to check out Amaranth after this. Oh, wait, sth happened in the song. Nice drums. Lets go boys, chorus. Or not? Is this it? Please dont let it be the chorus. It is. LOL. I want to listen to Karma. Okay guys 2:30 left from this song, so lets discuss Karma until I have to suffer. So, Karma legit gave me goosebumps. I am not exaggerating, it hyped me up completely. It's like when your cake is so fucking good, you refuse to eat it and put it back into the freezer. And you are itching to eat again, but you know that the more you wait and the more shittier cakes you try, the sweeter that godlike cake will taste. Ok ,where are we at? 2:52. In the middle of a solo. He played it really fast guys. Very nice. A fast solo, tududududu. Amazing. Why is this song 4 fucking minutes long? Btw this is how I imagine an Amaranth song. It's like Nightwish, but shit.

11. Inside a Lullaby - Okay guys, every 5th song after Karma, remember? Lets seeee! Good start, Anime music style. I'm half-weeb so I'm sold for now. Yes, this is an actual anime opening, guys. I can see the drawn characters if I close my eyes. This is an AMV music, for sure. Please, dont let the chorus suck. The build up... the hype.... oh, no chorus. Cool, actually. This is an interesting song. Probably the first on the record, besides the rapping on track 2. Okay, I was just messing around when I said Karma + every 5th song, but this is actually true. These 3 songs so far are pretty fucking good, while the rest varies from zzzzzzzzzz to okay. Oh, and that one other song, which is it? Holding your breath I think.

12. Dead to me - Is this Hollywood Undead? Is it? Guys? Is this a bonus track? Is this a prank? I mean, so far it's funny. Okay, the real singer is back. A bit too many sad songs, don't you think? Oh well, it's not shit so far. Can't say I paid attention to every lyrics during the songs, but it is not bad on this one. Is the talking guy the same as the singer? Sounds American. Anyway, this is an interesting song at least. Is this epic? Is this awesome? No, but this is one I-- okay, this is awesome. Not epic, sorry, but quite awesome. I love how this song got built up. Holy shit, an actual Jesper riff that is good? Eeeey guys. Okay, that was a rude ending, you are dead to me shithead, come fight me.

I have to pee, put Karma on repeat, then write up a summary I guess.

So, guys, Am I the only one who thinks that this record was anti-climatic in a way that we can't really have a serious In Flames vs. CyHra argument? This is just completely different music and no, it doesn't matter which IF record I look at, zero similarities. Yes, both bands use guitars and both have some embarassing lyrical content. But other than that, this is like a mix between.... I don't know, Lacuna Coil and Sonata Arctica. Or really, any heavy but generic metal and merged with these Northern elements.

I am quite happy though, as I really did not want to see an endless debate about this and IF. I mean, it's cool if you like Eminem, but you can't really say "lol IF sucks, Eminem rulz!" when they are very different.

Oh, almost forgot: not a bad record by any means. Casual as it gets, but I never had issues with bands like this. If they continue making music, I hope they manage to carve some identity into them, because this record was very fucking safe.

PS.: who made that music video for Karma??????????????????? holy shit, is that another patric ulleus shit? I thought I'll never cringe as much as I did during In Search For I .
Wow... I appreciate the effort, sort of, but...

Am I salty? I liked the record and I thought it came across as such. Like, yeah, could have been so much more, so got to give it some shit to drag down to Earth, but overall, it is a no brainer for me to call it good or decent.

I guess I was salty before the review, because I was prepared for an In Flames contender and all the comments being this or that is better, but turned out it's an entirely different style.

edit: oh yeah, I bashed Jesper a lot, but I mean... it's great he is back but I don't think someone with his caliber should get a pass. He is not shit by any means on this record, but as I said, when Real Madrid finishes 2nd, you bash them for not being first. Here, I feel that Jesper finished mid table. With a soccer analogy, his team had a lot of injuries and financial problems so it was expected to not win the league, but you'd still expect a 4th place at least.
Am I salty? I liked the record and I thought it came across as such. Like, yeah, could have been so much more, so got to give it some shit to drag down to Earth, but overall, it is a no brainer for me to call it good or decent.

I guess I was salty before the review, because I was prepared for an In Flames contender and all the comments being this or that is better, but turned out it's an entirely different style.

Your style of writing makes my head hurt a little, but I do appreciate you put some effort into your post. I agree there are some strong PM elements, although Sonata Arctica never came to mind. Haven't listened to them since Unia though.

You're nowhere near as salty as Krofius/Ciko, anyway, and maybe that was a bit of a harsh reaction to your post... so apologies. It's just a shame your critical faculties here don't extend to the likes of Siren Charms, which structurally shares a surprising amount with this album.
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Your style of writing makes my head hurt a little, but I do appreciate you put some effort into your post. I agree there are some strong PM elements, although Sonata Arctica never came to mind. Haven't listened to them since Unia though.

You're nowhere near as salty as Krofius/Ciko, anyway, and maybe that was a bit of a harsh reaction to your post... so apologies. It's just a shame your critical faculties here don't extend to the likes of Siren Charms, which structurally shares a surprising amount with this album.

I did not come back to be treated nicely and fairly. Maybe cut back from those Battles re-listens, aye?

This time it was deliberately like this, I wrote whatever came to my mind while listening through the songs to capture my genuine first responses. Obviously one listen is not enough to rate a record, so I refrained from it, and doesn't even know what to compare it on a scale. Also, it's more entertaining, which is all that matters at the end of the day.

Well, there are probably better examples than Sonata Arctica, but Closure gave me some serious SA vibes. The way the vocalist tries to sing some peart (especially the chorus), those pianos and the whole theme. SA's lyrics are very personal, straight out depressing, with the protagonist basically suffering every time. Anyway, it's more about that genre than SA itself, it's just that they are the one from that area I listen to most. Within Temptation is a wee bit similar maybe.

As for SC, it had an identity. Not one that apparently stole many hearts, but it did. You may laugh, but SC had some diverse songs, even if the production deliberately toned them all to a mellow tone to fit the theme. And don't come to me with the song patterns, because even if WEWO and Paralyzed have the same structure, they are different enough songs to be appreciated. And there are songs like EG, FT or WTWE which whether you like or hate, are unique to the band's previous discography and even within the record they sound a bit out of place, but implementing those into the big picture is when you get the whole story.

I guess in a way we can say that SC dared to be shit. We can go through every SC song and jump around every single musical choice they made, most glaringly the solos and riffs, whether they are re-hashed, uninspired, wah-wahd to death or whatever, but like 80% of L2M is nothing but basic stuff, not interesting. Take away the vocals on both records and SC absolutely destroys L2M, because the most awesome moments are all carried out by the singer and his melodies. I rarely have the urge to play air guitar in my head while listening to this record. Even the most interesting thing in this record, the way Dead To Me builds up, is mainly awesome because of THE build up, and not the music itself. Yes, it is frickin' epic when the instruments suddenly blast into your ears at 2:17 combined with the vocal melody, but not because the guitars or the drums are so awesome. No, it's the suspense and how well they built it up. You snap your fingers and I'm jamming the intro of Like You Better Dead with my invisible guitar, because it stuck with me, it's epic. And I deliberately mentioned something simple, because I don't expect Zombie Inc. solos, you can do well with little stuff too. I just know.... erm, yeah, that's it.
Most of that I'll just say fine, your opinion is what it is, but...

Take away the vocals on both records and SC absolutely destroys L2M


No, just no. Just because In Flames (badly) tried to experiment on SC doesn't automatically mean that album is better than LtM musically.

Sure, Jesper stuck to the basics for this one. He arguably always has. But you know what? It fucking works. It sounds good. Majority of people who listen to it will enjoy LtM. I'm afraid you can't say the same for Siren Charms, which In Flames' are now almost totally ignoring in their most recent setlists, so no, SC doesn't destroy LtM even if you take vocals out of it. SC doesn't destroy anything, it's a self-destructive disaster.

Now if you'd said ASOP or SOAPF, that would have been a little more interesting.
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I agree with De4Life. SC music sounds uninspired, without passion. Just a guy (Bjorn) doing his work, like a salaryman. And not a very good one. L2M, on the other side, brings lots of different emotions. Maybe they do not mix alright everytime, maybe they coul've been different, maybe it should've been different, more personal from Jesper and less from Jake. But there's passion. There are feelings behind the music, there is this scent that makes you shake your head and that other that promises to hold your breath while you keep on waiting for more that, this time won't come (I really miss those moments in In Flames and in this album).

This does not happen with SC or Battles. There's nothing memorable to remember there. The shell is empty no matter how much you look inside of it. ALso battles is more consistent. SC tries to be a Jack of all trades, but, in the end, it is a master of none. Those albums are personal efforts of Anders, this I concede. Even if he is a boring song ideologist (sorry but, aparently he is not a writer, not without help), and an incopetent singer, he tried hard, and I kind of respect that. Even if I shit on him for making in flames what they were not suposed to be.
The best category for this album IS power metal.

I would rather listen to Jake than new In Flames vocals, but it’s not like Jake has the most distinctive or amazing voice ever if you compare him to other power metal singers. That’s the unfortunate part. If you are a death metal singer and can actually sing you are amazing. If you don’t growl but have a great singing voice you really have to be good to stand out.
So, guys, Am I the only one who thinks that this record was anti-climatic in a way that we can't really have a serious In Flames vs. CyHra argument? This is just completely different music and no, it doesn't matter which IF record I look at, zero similarities. Yes, both bands use guitars and both have some embarassing lyrical content. But other than that, this is like a mix between.... I don't know, Lacuna Coil and Sonata Arctica. Or really, any heavy but generic metal and merged with these Northern elements.
Totally agree. After hearing Karma I was ready to announce the new heirs to the classic In Flames style. But this is a different beast altogether. And you are spot on with a Sonata Arctic’s or other similar band comparison. This is a different genre than In Flames used to be. But, is this the genre In Flames has actually aspired to be lately? Is this the kind of music Anders always wished he could be? Did Cyhra beat new In Flames to the “finish line” with a single album?
I listened to it some more today and holy shit it's a snoozefest. Bores me to death. Way to much electrostuff, monotone vocal style (so generic sounding with that vibrato style), some weird ass moments in songs, a lot of slow moments too. The highlight is some guitar melodies and some cool rhythm guitar moments but other than that, no thanks. I didn't even get into any of the songs really and I don't feel an urge to listen to any of it. At least Battles held on for a month or two. You can really hear the Dead By April/Amaranthe electronic/pop elements in a bunch of songs and I don't like them at all.

I mean the last half of the album are either ballads or semi-ballads with very similar sounding choruses. It's just not memorable, most if not all songs are keyboard/sample/electronic driven verses with some drums in the background then. Even Battles has more variation in the songs if you're gonna compare. 6 of 12 songs is shorter than 3:30. Solo's were as memorable as the solos in ASOP pretty much, they're all super short. It's basically mostly consisting of power ballads and just like Battles and SC they suffer from incredibly dull lyrics. He reminds me a bit of Timo Kotipelto from Stratovarius vocally, but without the finnish accent.

Best song is Karma, but I'm already tired of the group-shout choruses in metal from having heard it for so long already.
Inside A Lullaby might be one of the most dull songs I've heard in a long time, it makes Liberation from SOAPF sound like a masterpiece and that's one of IF's worst songs in my book. While the song Dead To Me sucks (what the hell is that intro?) the outro guitar melody is really nice, which would have sounded so much better with that pulsating sample in the background being removed.

It's a melancholic sound but in a bad way. There's no fucking energy it's mostly sad sounding songs. And there's little to no variation. I'm really disappointed to be honest I expected more musically, vocally I didn't cause I never liked Amaranthe at all. They have been played a lot on the Rock radiostation since a bunch of years so I'm very familiar with Jake's voice.

All in all
And I mean 3.5 as in probably not going to intentionally listen to the album again and barely passable having as chill background music while doing stuff.

Since you complained that I just gave a two word review or whatever I wrote a longer serious one so there you go.
All right, all right, all right, not gonna go further into SC again, not in this thread anyway. True, I can't say that "it's better", because they are just too different to begin with, so I take it back, but I'm not into dwelling into telling you why it has a wider range of emotions, or overall, an actual tone you can like or not, instead of being generic - and yes, a distinct tone can be great or suck big time, while you can hardly go wrong with generic, aka Battles.

Totally agree. After hearing Karma I was ready to announce the new heirs to the classic In Flames style. But this is a different beast altogether. And you are spot on with a Sonata Arctic’s or other similar band comparison. This is a different genre than In Flames used to be. But, is this the genre In Flames has actually aspired to be lately? Is this the kind of music Anders always wished he could be? Did Cyhra beat new In Flames to the “finish line” with a single album?
No way! IF never used their electronics like this. And by "this" I mean budget Nightwish style. Anders clearly fancies the extremely straight, groovy music with new and alternative metal elements. Alt. metal is pretty distinct from this... powermetal.

To me, powermetal is the genre I can listen a lot to but never really goes beyond that. Like, In Flames and New Flames has a distinct style, a face I got attracted to, yes, even Anders' vocals adds a lot to the picture, while powermetal is... dunno, makes my head hurt in the long run. I remember how I was in awe from the Dragonborn shit in guitar hero. Man, I can't stand it now, so lame.Hammerfall is the exception, I love them. The Unbroken record is just <3 <3 <3 all over.
Solo's were as memorable as the solos in ASOP pretty much, they're all super short. .



Don't you tell my boy drenched in fear's solo was not memorable, or really, more memorable than any solo on L2M.

Karma comes out strong as an opener. The mixing does not do the guitar work justice. Sadly the voice seems a bit TOO polished.
I enjoyed the first listen-through. - 7/10

Heartrage has a nice intro, and a great chorus, although I personally do not enjoy the way the vocals are done at the chorus. Too clean, needs growling or something rageful that fits the title of the song, but they're not as polished though. I did enjoy the musical work, where the guitars can be heard pretty clearly. Good on the mixing job! - 8/10

Here To Save You:
I'm not a fan of too much electronics, and this is about as much as I can handle. At the break at 02:50 it stands out way too much in my opinion. (Also, fuck my opinion, this is about what the musician wants, not what I want.)
Again, the vocals... I don't like them, yet. Again though, the musical work is great. - 7/10

Muted Life: BOOM! Hit me in the face. Strings! I LOVE strings. My own music relies A LOT on strings.
...And then the vocals kick in. No. Just no. This track could've been amazing. The vocals stops that. Too clean, to the point of being annoying. Should've been instrumental. (Starting to think that the entire album should've been, but again, FUCK my opinion.) Also, if you're going to end a song in an epic way, make sure you energize your audience. At 03:15 is where you should get some double kicking going. - 9/10

This is how you end a song (Go to 03:12-end):

Closure: Nice intro. Vocals fit the lyrics. Musically, it is great. Overall, a great song. Best on the album (my opinion) so far.
- 9/10

Letter To Myself: Sweet intro again. Overall the song is too swingy for my taste. Thanks for not using wah-wah though. Vocals are, again, too wimpy. If only Johan Hägg from Amon Amarth were the singer... The album needs pondus.
- 6/10

Dark Clarity: The electronics are too much, and the song overall is too much of "für die masse". The drumming is neat, as is the guitar work, but the vocals, again...
- 5/10

Holding Your Breath: I outright hate it... until the chorus. Nice beat. Nice THOUGHTFUL solo at 03:00. Björn could learn from this. Using wah-wahs is FINE, but don't overuse them.
- 4/10

Rescue Ride: Neat intro. (I sound like a broken record.)
...And then the chorus hits. I HATE the transition at 00:45. It is the most "I don't give a fuck, I'm a shithead" way of singing I've heard in... ever.
"Deresh naffin left tolouse." Seriously? Hate the harmony. It sounds like shit. Why the HELL did they keep it?! Instrumentally, it is great, AGAIN.
- 5/10

Black Wings: (Before I press play, PLEASE, be heavy as fuck and have great vocals.)
...Fuck me. Nice piano part, shame there's vocals in the way. Chorus is wonderful. Vocals, for once, aren't shit (my opinion). Odd tempo change.
Instrumentally, this is probably my favorite. The chorus is superb.
- 6.5/10

Now I'm desperate for something brutal and heavy.

Inside a Lullaby: ...Guys, you have this track on the wrong place. This is where you have your massive stuff. Should've been #4/#5.
I suspect most people hunger for something brutal here. This is #11, not #4/5. It matters. The song is a beautiful instrumental. Vocals again, I don't like them.
- 6/10

Now, give me my heavy shit, or you're Dead to Me.

Dead to Me: Alright. Cool intro, something interesting not plagued by cursed voc... nevermind. Just took a minute. Now let me headbang.
Please? Hello? Thank you. Oddly mistreated vocals at 02:05. I'm sure this was a mistake. They're way too loud. Once again, instrumentally, this is a good song. - 6/10

Damn. I was so hyped, expecting some melodic death metal. I got some. Not enough.
The album (to me) is plagued by the vocals and a weirdly laid out track list that kills the mood completely at #11.
There isn't a royal punch to this that is prevented by the vocals, and there has to be.

The album:
The album could've been amazing. The vocals stops that. Too clean, to the point of being annoying.
Instrumentally, it is top-notch, if a bit too much electronics.

Overall - 7/10
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