D for Disappointment

I think Opeth and simplicity don't go well together but that's ok... besides... I mean... the guy can have an opinion but he was a bit too harsh. Deliverance is great... not as good as BWP or Still Life but still great. Damnation will be even better I think. ( I have to agree on one thing, I would've prefered a "normal" Opeth cd instead of these split styles... but hey... 2 cds are ok as well :) )
Originally posted by Eld
I agree with the guy. It's funny how Opeth fans can't handle anything that doesn't go in the favor of the Opeth fellows.

Truer words have never been spoken.

For the record, I haven't heard Deliverance.
jeesus christ!

who gives a fuck how complex music is!!!???

if opeth are writing music just for the sake of complexity then they are just pretentious ass-holes.

but i don't believe this is the case. so why do you care how complex it is? it's music. not a bloody mind-trick!
Originally posted by Eld
I agree with the guy. It's funny how Opeth fans can't handle anything that doesn't go in the favor of the Opeth fellows.

Oh, and I've only listened to it one time :rolleyes:


Its not that Opeth forum members can't handle something harshly negative that is directed at the band, its just the fact that its being done here on the official forum.

You see it all depends on the way you say something, if you say it in a "mature" manner, then the reactions are going to be different if you say something in a immature/HARSH way then people are going to stand on there feet and say what they feel is correct.

Just go to another official band forum and criticise one of the band's albums and be harsh and your going to see similar reactions like the one's you've seen here.

I'm in no way obsessed with Opeth this is not the initial reason why I take defense, its just natural for me to defend something in this case this forum, when people go around acting immaturely and throwing cheap shots at people here, that anybody else could do if they wished, but don't because they know better then going around behaving childish.

If I really wanted to I could behave just the same as these other "trolls" here but I don't because I honestly feel that its stupid and really childish, as long as nobody is trying to criticise me directly then I see no need going around and saying that its not ok to have a favourite metal band, and try to state something that is just no so, but making it seem like it is, when really its not.

Its like when I first came here and made my first thread; I indicated what the band meant to me, but added a little extra("praise") that normally I wouldn't have done, but I said to myself"hey I'm on the official Opeth forum, why not add I bit more praise to my statement since I'm here on the Opeth forum" and thats just what I did, I wouldn't have done it anywhere else but HERE. I firmly feel this is the case for many.

Let just face it, its easy to be a troll and be harsh and contradictive, but the majority realise that its senseless and just plain stupid.

No offense by the way.:)


Originally posted by pac1288

Its not that Opeth forum members can't handle something harshly negative that is directed at the band, its just the fact that its being done here on the official forum.

So... in other words... Opeth fans can't handle anything that doesn't go in the favor of the Opeth fellows.

No two ways about it.

This is what i'm always ranting and raving like a lunatic about... :lol:
Originally posted by Trapped
So... in other words... Opeth fans can't handle anything that doesn't go in the favor of the Opeth fellows.

No two ways about it.

This is what i'm always ranting and raving like a lunatic about... :lol:


I will make it simple:

If I were at another band forum, or if somebody was talking shit in regards to Opeth other than here I would honestly not give a fuck, I would just ignore the comments completely and say nothing about it, its that simple, and I'm sure this would be the case with the majority of the members here.


So this forum is for kissing ass...?

Isn't opeth supposed to be "Intelligent Metal", in that it should evoke thought and opinion?

The key here is to be mature, not to be some whiney person that criticises members in a harsh and dis-repectful way, you could have your opinions if you wish even if there contradictive, but you have to have some logic and common-sense entwined with maturity which some lack here when individuals oppose this you get mixed reactions.

About your kissing-ass comment, if you really think about it every time you mention something that is in favor to a band you could consider that as kissing ass, I'm sure you kiss ass all the time, it may not be here, but when your at another forum saying how much you like the bands album you kissin- ass to the band. Your just using this as a weapon, but praise/kissing-ass/positive-comments, are apparent in all forums.

It's like I said, on my other post: It depends how you say something, if you say it in a respectful way then I'm sure the reactions would be a lot different, if you choose to be harsh then expect replies that are going to be at the same level, its just of human nature, I think its kind of funny how many trolls here decide to be dis-respectful to the band and then say" see how these Opeth fans can't handle criticism" When the actual motive for there reactions(opeth fans) is due to dis-respect, but this something that trolls over-see. They don't realise that the reactions are the result to disrespect.

Let's just come face to face with the truth here; there is a high volume of members that frequent this particular board, the more members you have on a forum the more praise your going to see here, its just logical. You and others thought it would be amusing to bash people here due to the regular flow of positive Opeth comments, which is immaturity and selfish at the end.


Originally posted by pac1288

The key here is to be mature, not to be some whiney person that criticises members in a harsh and dis-repectful way, you could have your opinions if you wish even if there contradictive, but you have to have some logic and common-sense entwined with maturity which some lack here when individuals oppose this you get mixed reactions.

Yeah true, although i didn't find the initial post of this thread to be offensive in any way. I agree with you on that. If you've got an opinion, go about expressing it intelligently, and not like Trapped does :lol:

About your kissing-ass comment, if you really think about it every time you mention something that is in favor to a band you could consider that as kissing ass, I'm sure you kiss ass all the time the time it may not be here, but when your at another forum saying how much you like the bands album you kissin- ass to the band.

I have absolutely no problem with people liking opeth, or anyone else at all. That comment was in relation to everyone flaming the poor guy for not sharing their opinions. It doesn't hurt THEM that the guy doesn't appreciate it like they do, and yet they feel it necessary to be quite un-tactful in the way they respond. It could have been a really good thread actually, with a discussion on the pro's and con's of the new album. A new album is an exciting time, so many different reactions to what the band has offered it's fans, and ultimately offered themselves.. it's a pity that it always seems to go down in proverbial flames. (although it's half way ironic that i'm always lurking near the scene of the crime...)

It's like I said, on my other post: It depends how you say something, if you say it in a respectful way then I'm sure the reactions would be a lot different, if you choose to be harsh then expect replies that are going to be at the same level, its just of human nature, I think its kind of funny how many trolls here decide to be dis-respectful to the band and then say" see how these Opeth fans can't handle criticism" When the actual motive for there reactions(opeth fans) is due to dis-respect, but this something that trolls over-see. They don't realise that the reactions are the result to disrespect.

Totally agreed. But as i said before, i didn't find the first post to be any more scathing than anything anyone else has said. In fact, Interesti said himself "if it was any other person who started this thread, I wouldn't have reacted like that". He singled the guy out, and that's pretty damn immature if you ask me.

let's just come face to face with the truth here; there is a high volume of members that frequent this particular board, the more members you have on a forum the more praise your going to see here, its just logical. You and others thought it would be amusing to bash people here due to the regular flow of positive Opeth comments, which is immaturity and selfish at the end.

Hey, i'm not bashing opeth at all. I like the album, it's a big improvement upon my personal dissapointment with BWP. They've done something different, dropped the formula, and become again the creative force that they once were.

I have nothing against praise at all. But i DO have something against people who can't accept someone elses opinion. That's what i'm doing in this thread in the first place. I thought it would be cool to read what the guy had to say, why he didn't personally like it, because i do like the album, and see how he interpreted it as opposed to how I interpreted it...

Aren't you glad we can have these chat's pacman? :grin:
Deliverence is no simpler then any other Opeth albums really. And as far as structuring goes, well, Master's Apprentices has some of the best structuring in a song I've ever heard. As well as 2 of the coolest metal riffs I've heard in a long time. It's sad when people think they know enough about music to come on to a message board and diss someone else's music when we all know damn well, Mikael is a better songwritter/musician than any of us here. Its fine if you don't like it, but, get a life...
Originally posted by Trapped
And -I- get called egotistical. :rolleyes:

So, if someone doesn't like something you like, they're a pathetic fuck?

I like the cd, but the guy is right, AND he has a point. I don't agree about the BWP thing, because i can't stand BW, but the guy is entitled to an opinion, right?

How about you stop flaming the guy, and actually write down what you LIKE about the cd, and why to you it is good?

welcome back trapped you tardy mofo...

anyway, boring thread...
When someone makes a thread on how "GODLY" the new album is, you dont see us Opeth fans who dont like the new album going into the thread and saying "ur an idot for liking it." Face it, people ARE GOING to be dissapointed, and its not because were lesser fans, its just because IMO Deliverance lacks many elements for it to be up to par with the previous LPs. If the thread starter is dissapointed, then fuck it...You like the album right? Ok then, thats all that matters. Let us who are dissapointed have a forum to voice our OPINIONS as well.
Originally posted by Trapped
And -I- get called egotistical. :rolleyes:

So, if someone doesn't like something you like, they're a pathetic fuck?

I like the cd, but the guy is right, AND he has a point. I don't agree about the BWP thing, because i can't stand BW, but the guy is entitled to an opinion, right?

How about you stop flaming the guy, and actually write down what you LIKE about the cd, and why to you it is good?

well said
Originally posted by Trapped
Yeah true, although i didn't find the initial post of this thread to be offensive in any way. I agree with you on that. If you've got an opinion, go about expressing it intelligently, and not like Trapped does :lol:

Trapped you are missing the point completely here, Your opinion does not have to be intelligent, what I'm referring to is maturity. Its very unlikely for a normal "mature" comment to provoke flames to the original thread starter. Its comments such as"this sucks" or "this is shitty" etc, etc..that are going to trigger a debate. All I'm doing on this thread is making a point, I'm not bashing the original thread starter.

Originally posted by Trapped
That comment was in relation to everyone flaming the poor guy for not sharing their opinions.


I think what made everthing go how it did was the original thread starter's comment: "So instead of a new masterpiece we’ll have 2 shitty CDs in a row." I'm confident it was the use of the word "shitty" that provoked a debate. You see this is exactly what I'm referring to, please take note that I didn't bash this guy for his thread, but I do understand the reactions that resulted from this.

Originally posted by Trapped

Aren't you glad we can have these chat's pacman?


Well, we have fun don't we:lol:

I have to admit I enjoy a nice little debate every once in awhile:) All I could say is that your an interesting character, even if I don't fully agree with you sometimes, but hey I guess there's a little of everthing eh.


Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
When someone makes a thread on how "GODLY" the new album is, you dont see us Opeth fans who dont like the new album going into the thread and saying "ur an idot for liking it." Face it, people ARE GOING to be dissapointed, and its not because were lesser fans, its just because IMO Deliverance lacks many elements for it to be up to par with the previous LPs. If the thread starter is dissapointed, then fuck it...You like the album right? Ok then, thats all that matters. Let us who are dissapointed have a forum to voice our OPINIONS as well.


I think your missing the point here.

You could state your OPINIONS, even if there contradictive. What I'm referring to here are people that come in say stuff like "This sucks, that sucks, everthing sucks, sounds like shit" get the message, you know, people that troll, and people that are just plain stupid about the way they approach something, by making immature comments.

I could accept anything as long as its done with respect and maturity. It does not bother me when someone comes in says" I was not happy with this album, it could have been a lot better; it just does not suit my tastes" you get what I'm saying here? Not some troll that comes in says" fuck this new record fucking sucks, I don't see how anybody could possibly like this new release, its just a total disgrace" You see this type of talk is just plain immature.

I believe I explained myself relatively well on my previous posts, I don't see why some people here are under the impression that opinions that are contradictive are not ok, this IS NOT what I'm trying to get across, its the immaturity aspect of things that gets kind of irritating. I mean who the wants to fight with a bunch of children. The best fights/arguments are the "mature" ones where people state there opinion and let everbody know how they feel, with repectable language. ;)


Originally posted by pac1288
You could state your OPINIONS, even if there contradictive. What I'm referring to here are people that come in say stuff like "This sucks, that sucks, everthing sucks, sounds like shit" get the message, you know, people that troll, and people that are just plain stupid about the way they approach something, by making immature comments.

Dude, I totally see where you are coming from, and it makes complete sense. But, you're not thinking about the Opeth supporters. Let me put it this way, if I were to say:

"I dislike Deliverance, it is not good, it sounds bad"

would everyone not jump on me? Of course they would, but why? All I did was state my opinion in a mature manner. Instead of saying "it sucks", I simply said "I dislike it", which is a more mature way of stating one's opinion.

BUT, eventhough I stated my opinion in a mature way, Opeth fanatics would reply with incessant name-calling and fifth grade insults. Am I wrong? You need to remember that the immaturity lies on both sides of the playing field.

BTW, I agree with Trapped in that this isn't a board for ass-kissing. It is a board for discussion (positive or negative) about one band. The naysayers have equal right to their opinion.

Oh, and I still haven't heard Deliverance. I was speaking hypothetically.
Originally posted by DogVomit
I don't see the point of complaining about Opeth CDs. Mikael has said that Opeth makes music for themselves first and foremost. Who cares if you don't like it?

First of all, every band says "We make music for ourselves first...". Thats like a band saying "This is our best album yet" before every album is released. C'mon, what are they gonna say? "We make music to make money"?

Second, obviously the Opeth supporters care who likes the music or they wouldn't feel the need to flame anyone who doesn't agree with them.