D for Disappointment

Originally posted by Dreamlord
Dude, I totally see where you are coming from, and it makes complete sense. But, you're not thinking about the Opeth supporters. Let me put it this way, if I were to say:

"I dislike Deliverance, it is not good, it sounds bad"

would everyone not jump on me? Of course they would, but why? All I did was state my opinion in a mature manner. Instead of saying "it sucks", I simply said "I dislike it", which is a more mature way of stating one's opinion.

BUT, eventhough I stated my opinion in a mature way, Opeth fanatics would reply with incessant name-calling and fifth grade insults. Am I wrong? You need to remember that the immaturity lies on both sides of the playing field.

BTW, I agree with Trapped in that this isn't a board for ass-kissing. It is a board for discussion (positive or negative) about one band. The naysayers have equal right to their opinion.

Oh, and I still haven't heard Deliverance. I was speaking hypothetically.

I agree with this. I have seen another thread that looks like a negative opinion on Delieverance, I'm not going to flame him...:rolleyes: the only reason I posted it in respond to ED was because he previously made a thread worshipping Opeth, saying how no other band could ever compare to them, and how much every other MDM band is pathetic in comparison, blah blah blah. I know I have explained this three times, but some people are slightly blind ;)
that fact is that many people here are drunk by opeth...so, it's a total waste of time to come here and say that deliverance is below opeth's quality...let's leave our opinions out of here...keep them with you...peace!
Originally posted by Ectoplasma
...let's leave our opinions out of here...keep them with you...peace!

No. Share your opinions. You can just laugh at the people that insult you for it.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
First of all, every band says "We make music for ourselves first...". Thats like a band saying "This is our best album yet" before every album is released. C'mon, what are they gonna say? "We make music to make money"?

Second, obviously the Opeth supporters care who likes the music or they wouldn't feel the need to flame anyone who doesn't agree with them.

It's just the nature of this topic - everyone had their personal expectations of what Deliverance was going to sound like, but what's the point in complaining when it sounds different from how you thought it would? It's just a great big waste of time and acheives nothing.

For the record I like it a lot:grin:
deliverance is everything i thought it would be thats why i did not get all excited about, well maybe i am a bit dissapointed because when i did buy it there was that slight chance it would be a spactacular album, but i am not going to have a go at the band for creating an album that i my self dont find insperational, intelligent, progressive or emotional.

I think i have just moved on from opeth to more creative, emotional and sophisticated music, i mean opeth have beign great for me through my teenage years and discovered by pure accident by me at an early gae so they have helped shape and change my opinions and taste in music but for now i am having to leave opeth alone, leave them to there new found fan base and let them do what they do
Originally posted by Dreamlord
"I dislike Deliverance, it is not good, it sounds bad"

would everyone not jump on me? Of course they would, but why? All I did was state my opinion in a mature manner. Instead of saying "it sucks", I simply said "I dislike it", which is a more mature way of stating one's opinion.

I agree with you, but I'lll just throw in some thoughts...

I'll just say, it's a subtle album, and I think before they judge an album, people should just give it's fair share of play. I don't care how good your ears are; it's always a really hard to judge an album on just one listen. And this album is very different, and it's really stupid how people are saying "oh, it's not Opeth anymore... they actually changed their sound some."

As you said, you can put it maturely, but some people really aren't (both those who praise it without reason and those who dismiss it without giving it a chance).

But it's not a bad idea to discuss it. In fact, I think it's a rather good way to explore and new (and different) album. Hopefully, people can actually maturely and a least a little objectively about it.
hmm Deliverance. Gotta say that the lack of the normal dual guitar parts did get to me a bit, but I think that's because it was set out to be a more straight-forward, in-your-face album. It's pretty hard to make something 'heavy' when you got another guitar in the background drilling octaves as opposed to complementing the other guitar playing the same thing. I think overall they balanced out the cons of the album and made up for the repetitions, simple riffs etc. with some new melodies, slightly jazzy sound and well, I think it's their most emotional, aside from Still Life... although it's emotional in a completely different way. Still Life is more along the lines of being drawn into the story as opposed to Deliverance which is more just sympathising with Mikael's new more personal lyrics.

And.... A Fair Judgement still owns me.
I don't mind Delivernace..Not Opeth's best though..Although Deliverance is not as emotional as MAYH, Still Life, or even the progressive BWP, I stil enjoy it..There's a flow that's missing on Deliverance,the emotional, peaceful clasical acoustic segues/interludes into the progressive/doom death, but Opeth have moved on and progressed..If the guy who originally started this thread wanted BWP 2 then what was he expecting..? I think that Deliverance and Damnation should have been released together..I think that Opeth are a little "stiff" for the sake of being heavy on this CD and many aspects of Opeth have been replaced by latin beats (interesting) and a more sensual rythym based sound..I think Deliverance is heavier but I think that Opeth are heavy in a sense of contrast and that is emotional to many of their die hard fans..The beautiful acoustic 2 minute interludes (often instrumental) are not missing but not as well written for contrast beacuse Opeth focused simply on being heavier (riff orgy..) So Delivernace is good and interesting but not Opeth's best..I wouldn't put opeth down for Deliverance, but it's not my fave Opeth cd, but Opeth have their moments..Hails..-l-
Originally posted by Pac1288
Your opinion does not have to be intelligent, what I'm referring to is maturity.

Originally posted by Pac1288
What I'm referring to here are people that come in say stuff like "This sucks, that sucks, everthing sucks, sounds like shit" get the message, you know, people that troll, and people that are just plain stupid about the way they approach something, by making immature comments.

These statements seem to contradict. In the first, you say that intelligence and immaturity are independent of each other. In the second you say that they are directly related to each other.

Personally, I am willing to disregard etiquette to state my opinion concisely. I don't really care if people are offended about my choice of words. If it better gets across the message, then I will say it. I believe that etiquette is severely overrated. Honestly, I think Trapped tends to get flamed for his lack of etiquette (though sometimes his arguments are downright base-less). The intelligence is what matters, not the "maturity". If a person says something intelligently, he is going to leave out things like "it just sucks", because he knows this statement is completely subjective and means nothing to anyone but him.

Originally posted by DogVomit
I don't see the point of complaining about Opeth CDs. Mikael has said that Opeth makes music for themselves first and foremost. Who cares if you don't like it?

In that case, why bother even discussing Opeth? This is about sharing opinions. It is a "discussion board." I don't say what I think of Opeth because I think Mikael will see it and fix his music to how I want it. We discuss Opeth in an attempt to see things from multiple perspectives. Ideally, everyone would be open-minded, so that someone like extensive desolation might see something new in Deliverance and start to like it, or that someone like Trapped my see something different in Deliverance and find it inferior to other albums.

My personal opinion, thus far, is that Deliverance is spread a bit thinly. I don't like that they repeat the riffs even more than in the other albums. The riffs themselves are usually about as complex as previous ones, but there just isn't enough of them. Though, some of the riffs take on "heaviness" while compromising complexity. "Heaviness" is created by emphasizing a certain note or chord (by means of palm-muting, coinciding parts, bass-heaviness, etc.), but this means that there can't be as much happening at the same time.