damn i'm drunk -- the thread

When I get drunk, I post everywhere. :)

I'll make sure to come back here next time I'm plastered though, best guess is this Saturday.
Yeah, but Butt Light is terrible... :ill:

I like rum though, as long as it isn't that cheap ass spiced shit like Capt. Morgan. *Puke piles on the floor* The Cap'n was here!!!
Black Winter Day said:
hey, it was not mixed, if that is what you are thinking! me and a friend killed off the leftover rum in my room and joined the party, where we all managed to kill off a $95 keg of bud light.

and your NP now seems strangely ironic... :lol:
I meant that mixed or not it's bad stuff to drink. I have this preconception, though I haven't verified it myself, that mainstream American beers in general and Bud Light in particular is weak crap. Also, who the fuxx would drink rum when you could drink vodka or beer? Unless you're a pirate, in which case you're excused to drink rum. But then again, as I said, as long as one gets drunk it can't be all bad, can it... Though Bjørne Bryg 7,3% is, as you Americans would put it, the shit.
Erik said:
I have this preconception, though I haven't verified it myself, that mainstream American beers in general and Bud Light in particular is weak crap.
That is very correct. Nearly all of the large brands are watered down and weak: Coors, Bud, what have you. The only one that actually tastes like real beer is Michelob. They also have special microbrew style beers, which are pretty close to the real deal.

Microbreweries are great in America. Personally I find many microbrew stouts to be better than England's finest (and no, Guiness is not their finest :p ). SLO, Deschuttes, Carl Strauss, and RBC are all stupendous breweries.

Rum has it's place, it's generally a sweet liquor, but I usually reach for scotch or vodka, especially during the winter months. Rum is good in the summer.

And there is nothing wrong with being a pirate, a buddy of mine and I were just talking yesterday about if there were pirates in hell, we plan on joining them once we get there. :tickled:
What is this Bjørne Bryg? Gimme links or a bottle or something. :)

Strongest beer I've had is 15%. Belzebuth from France. Second strongest was Old Horizontal (which, trust me, after about two you understand why it's called that) which was... 11.5% I believe, with one of the most complex flavors I've ever experienced. VERY expensive but worth it.

Here, this is 8,3% and Danish but the Bjørne Bryg we get in Sweden is in cans and also 7,3%.

I found a picture of the Bjørne the Swedish alcohol monopoly sells:

Looks like a Belgian style, I wonder if they import it over here? I'll check one of my fancy liquor stores tonight... if they import it, La Bodega and / or Liquorama sells it.
It's Danish. You don't want to buy it for taste really. It's not bad for being 7,3% but I can think of many better beers (they usually taste the best around 5% in my opnion)
NAD said:
Microbreweries are great in America. Personally I find many microbrew stouts to be better than England's finest (and no, Guiness is not their finest :p )
That's because it's not ours ;) it's Irish.

Q: How is American beer like kayaking?
A: They're both close to water

In about an hour I'm off to the pub...looking to be a lonely night though. Most of my mates either have work or other commitments, or are too young to get served >_<