damn i'm drunk -- the thread

"teh" means "I would like to do vile & perverted things with strange parts of your body". It is often inserted where that phrase might not seem to fit well, but that's just a cover up.
Although I delve into all sorts of crazy beers and sip the finest liquors a man can buy (under $30 a bottle), it's hard to beat an old standby:


During political science functions in college, this was the one beer that was always served. You gotta love drunken patriots. :lol:
It's 15:14 and Micke and me (I'm Erik really) are just soon going to drink our first Björne Brygs and then we're going to the Naglfar/Necrophobic concert around 20:00. Expect drunken posts in this thread soon.
Dead_Lioness said:
I am so thirsty :cry:

Last night I managed to get through 25 quid and was barely drunk - not happy! And I still ain't had the chance to post here when I'm actually bloody drunk :p
this is erik
im listening to machanix by matetliuca nd were earhet erdurn,
actuatlly ive drunk more than mickebut i dont ca<re to change the usre

Micke specking meachnixn was metallica but dave mustaine took to megadeth u uck dedre are demo versions and lie metallica megad4eth
erik speaking mechanix was origianly metallica song but he that thuiar what is hisname DAVE something probbly he took it MUSTAINE to maegatdeath its otiinallt metallica song
I'm home. Micke (Sorath) is missing. I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHERE HE IS. He disappeared during Naglfar and doesn't answer phone calls, and though he wasn't in the concert place his jacket was still there. He's gone.
holy fuck... look in ditches/alleys/etc... if it's cold and he was drunk, he would probably end up someplace like this (i know i would, if it were cold). but seriously... if he stays missing, you might want to think about alerting the police or something. anyway, i hope you find him. maybe someplace that sells snus?

on a lighter note, me and some friends are getting plastered and going to the nudie bar.
Hahaha. He's totally missing. He doesn't answer his phone. I think his brother's getting worried. Also, it started snowing today so it's likely he'll freeze to death if he's fallen asleep somewhere outside. I think the whole thing's a bit exciting.
He's been gone for at least three-four hours now. Last I saw him he was probably walking into the concert hall to see Naglfar. After Naglfar he was gone. He was quite drunk but not drunk enough to forget his jacket and fall asleep in the snow... I think.