damn i'm drunk -- the thread

After a night of heavy drinking, it takes two weeks for your testosterone to return to normal. .

I'd love to see some sources for this statement.

Moderation is key suckas. BUt of course, if you cannot handle that, which many people cannot, then by all means you do wtf is best for you and yours. Hope it works out for you Justin and I think it's a wise decision. I wouldn't put the notion of counseling out of the picture either. There is always underlying causes.
Thanks y'all. It's really nice to have support, even if it's "just from homies on the internet." This is partly the reason I'm telling a lot of people in real life: usually when I say I'm going to do something, I fucking do it, if only to avoid looking like a weak-willed person. It's possible that I exaggerated my problems to an extent (I wasn't drunk during ALL my free time). But if I was bored? Didn't have any real responsibilities that day? FUCK YEAH, IT WAS TIME TO PARTY.

I wouldn't put the notion of counseling out of the picture either. There is always underlying causes.

This might be true. But like I've said before: yes, I drank when I got down and depressed, but I was more likely to drink when I was happy. I like to have fun, to feel good, to feel like a badass. I don't think it's really much more than that.

Can you go into detail?

Yeah. Sure. Why not? Maybe it will help.

Here are some of the problems that drinking has caused for me in the past several years:

--Acting like a drunk fool in front of my 12 year old sister, who looks up to me more than anyone in the world.

--Going into long monologues in front of new acquaintances, just for shock value (i.e. telling them that Ted Bundy was a "true artist".... :lol:).

--Going on epic three-day benders: passing out in the park, puking on the street, showing up at fancy restaurants with stains all over my shirt just to "see if they will serve me."

--Missing work because I'm too hung over.

--Constantly being known among my general social circle as "that guy who is always fucked up."

--Blowing up at my friends and family for no reason on the phone.

--Losing my license at an airport because I was drunk, losing my credit card on the same trip because I was drunk, ordering the wrong flight a week before because I was drunk, and having to fly home that night (I still made it somehow).

--Losing my iPod because I was drunk.

--Spending days when I do nothing but lay in bad because I'm too hung over to get up.

--Spending $70-$200 every night I go out.

--Showing up to my old apartment I had recently moved out of (I still had the key, and it was still unoccupied), putting on Slayer, and causing $800 worth of damage trashing the place like Keith Moon.

--Trying to fight one of my good friends one night before a concert, for no reason. This guy is chill as fuck, and is pretty much impossible to get pissed at. I never made it to the concert, and it pretty much ended our friendship.

--Trying to fight ANOTHER friend (one of my bestest) for no reason. Luckily, we're still friends.

--Getting so goddamned hammered that I get pseudo-suicidal in front of others and start grabbing knives and looking for guns.

--Passing out on the sidewalk outside my building.

--Showing up at an ex-girlfriend's birthday party a few years back (we had just broken up, but she still invited me), getting blackout drunk, accosting her bigtime and getting thrown out.

--The other day getting into a HUGE fight with my stepdad, who I've always gotten along with, over NOTHING. I've mentioned that he and my mom have drinking problems as well. He was even drunker than I was. But seeing him change so suddenly, and going fucking APESHIT like that.... I dunno. I guess I finally saw alcoholism from an outsider's perspective. And it scared the shit out of me. This probably affected me more than anything.

--Getting dropped the same night by a great girl who REALLY REALLY seemed to like me--out of the fucking blue. When I pressed her, she said that she thought I partied and drank too much. The sad part? She hasn't seen me even CLOSE to my worst. I don't know where we stand now.

Sadly, I can probably think of a lot more. Mostly it comes down to constantly acting like a fool. But, like I said, I don't think I'm "addicted." I don't have cravings, really. And now that I've seen the light, in a way, I have no desire to go back to any of this ever again.

Methinks it's time to get back into a workout/exercise routine. And start writing again.
that is a list of some stupid ass shit right there

good on you for manning up and doing what needed to be done, now that i'm a mod i will ban your sorry ass if you ever drink again

But, like I said, I don't think I'm "addicted." I don't have cravings, really. And now that I've seen the light, in a way, I have no desire to go back to any of this ever again.

Methinks it's time to get back into a workout/exercise routine. And start writing again.
I dunno where to draw lines and shit and when it counts as alcoholism, but problems with alcohol is definitely when you do more stupid shit than you should and it has a lot of negative effects on you or just repeated negative shitz to people around you.

I'm, as always, with Ken. Moderation is the key as with everything else, but if that fails, fuck it all (and fucking no regrets).
:lol: @ Erik.

I realized that I've forgotten a LOT of stuff (i.e. getting slammed to the ground by three bouncers outside a bar on St. Patty's Day 2011, jumping on parked cars in broad daylight on busy streets, interrupting a wedding at Disneyland, ruining my chances with countless chicks, etc.). But Mike made a good point: when the problems you have with something BY FAR outweigh the good, it's time for a change. Yeah, I may go back to "moderation" at some point. But as of right now, I'm fucking done with it.

All that said, I joined a gym today and already had a hellacious workout. I feel great! I think this is going to work. :D
I did that "I'm quitting booze" thing a few times, but decided to just treat it like the unhealthy drug that it is, and enjoy it on a much less frequent basis. Life is better not getting shitfaced, but quitting enjoyable things can suck it. Life is dumb enough without throwing myself into puritanical roadblocks.

That works for me, your mileage may vary.
NAD said:
I did that "I'm quitting booze" thing a few times, but decided to just treat it like the unhealthy drug that it is, and enjoy it on a much less frequent basis. Life is better not getting shitfaced, but quitting enjoyable things can suck it. Life is dumb enough without throwing myself into puritanical roadblocks.

That works for me, your mileage may vary.

Same here. Has some epic fuck ups and douchebag moments. Now I just stop two drinks before I start thinking stupid shit sounds fun
If you are just someone who drinks too much, then your problem will stop once the alcohol is removed from the equation. If you're an alcoholic, then problem begins when the booze is removed. Think about it
As Justin predicted, here's my requisite alcohol-related post: some reco me a cocktail involving bourbon. Thanks.
Just got back from Hollywood. Owl reggae fest. iPhone prevents drinks typing and shi. Homie hit on some foul broad and I winged for him. Sister was wearing short ass jean shorts and kept wanting pictures with me whole just shook her arse astound. I was stoned and dunk and I felt black Ira sistrum