Damnation has actually shipped more copies than Deliverance...

Light said:
4000 copies isn't very many, though...

That's the second time you say that, and you STILL haven't realized that those are NOT total sales.

Godfuckingdamnit...I guess sometimes, not even big annoying letters are enough to save you from public ridicule.

Once again:

Damnation has shipped about 4,300 copies MORE than Deliverance.
Blackwater Park has shipped about 4,000 copies MORE than damnation.

Do the fucking math, that means BWP has shipped about 8,300 copies more than Deliverance, yet these are NOT FUCKING TOTAL SALES FIGURES. No one has mentioned the total sales for each record, at least not in this thread.

Damnit... :Smug:
Maideneer said:
BWP 2CD has shipped about 4,300 total! :lol:

Firstly: BWP 2CD is a seperate entity from the BWP CD


Secondly: BWP 2CD if fucking LIMITED EDITION (I'm having as much luck finding that as I am finding the BWP vynil... which is to say FUCK ALL.

Now STFU!:yell:
Well. Orchid and Morningrise from what I heard once probably sold close to around 20-30,000 copies. Probably increased in sales also due to the albums that came after....

BWP I hear sold over 90,000 copies which is probably a great deal more by now.

Damnation is sure to be THE seller for Opeth. I know Deliverance surpassed BWP's overal sales and Damnation will likely surpass the 100,000 mark easily if the previous info is for certain.

I gotta find out for sure, but that's probably close to how it is.
I sincerely doubt that anyone here knows what the fuck they're talking about. I mean, the first post of the thread is illogical to say the least, and some of the subconversations are just plain weird.
Nevertheless, maybe I shouldn't smoke weed...

But, I don't think that any Opeth album has sold 100k on it's own. Maybe all their albums in total reaches that mark, but it sounds awfully high for one record - even though it's the brilliant BWP.

Anyone proving me wrong will receive my deepest... blah blah *I keep yappering away, until some invisible force knocks me down*