Dan, do you question existence?

You may want to check out Hinduism, created hundreds of years before the bible and christianity.

I personally do not believe in the words of any organized religion. Spirituality is something personal between me and god, not through a white guy in a black or red robe.

oh and Dan rocks
Unicorn said:
that was lame, dude. :Smug:
Is it really true that finnish people are always drunk? :Spin:

yeah, it was meant to be lame... :)
we're not always drunk, but every chance we get...
specially when the government reduced the taxes for alcohol.
Jim LotFP said:


http://www.mask.org.za/Archive Web Files/Updated 060601/Sections/AfricaPerCountry/egypt/

"The Mufti, Nasr Farid Wassil, said the "Satanists" were apostates from Islam but the right approach, in view of their youth, was to ask them to repent. "If they renounce their beliefs, they can be pardoned. But if they persist in their error, we should carry out the penalty prescribed by Islamic law," added the Mufti, quoted in the newspaper al-Akhbar. The penalty for apostasy is death."

Now these articles are years old, so maybe things have changed. *shrug* But his is hardly religious tolerance or freedom.

yes ,i remember those days,,i have my friends and relatives,who are accused and arrested in these events,and they were muslims just like the music of metal,and the majority were muslims!
they just like to be different,sick from the constrictions of the society .
we all get sick from the country at this moment
you can say it was so immature and serious against something does not deserve. and from newspaper,they really can make every thing,just to catch your money,so newspapers make it a story and so and so...
and after it,metal albums are prevented to reach Egypt for a while ,
yes nowadays things changed,we have Egyptian metal bands,and some of them are really cool :)

when i was talking about religion unconciously i was talking about Islam,Christianity and Judaism.these are the religions we know here in our countries.personally i donot look at satanism that serious,and until now i can not believe that someone may take satanism as a religion with the true meaning of the word, i can not consider something that its own puropse to insult my holy and basic values as a freedom.

we here in our country donot look at it seroiusly,and unless some newspapers say there were a few from the kids that really accused in those events you mention i can not believe they are really present,but they still very few.

about apostasy ,i will just explain a few things,but if you want more about it,you should return to trusted detailed place for it.

every country in the world,have its own laws,and anyone who do wrong,he shall get his penalty and punishment,this is in all religions,human made laws,for example if someone betray your country and post detailed critical informatons against your country ,you will punish him as regard your laws.

at the era of our prophet Muhammed(peace be upon him) some jews plan to become muslim at the begining of the day then get away from Islam,at the end of the day,as they want to say to people,we tried their religion and was bad and we didnot convinced with it,and subsequently chaos may spread between us.
and this crime (apostasy ) may be planned whether from inside or outside our countries,as the above example,(and as a lot of plans that unhonestly happen these days )as you can not see betraying your country and working with its enemies is freedom,i canot see also that betraying Islam,is a freedom.
because we from the begining we donot obligate anyone to become muslim.
if you convinced with it after you study it and know its laws,you are welcome,if you are not,you will live your quiet life and no one will obligate you.
so i canot see apostasy as a personal freedom,because the danger of the person who commit apostasy is clearly more danger than the enemy who carry a gun and threaten life.
i can see it as integrity in Islam,and there is no mistake in that.
cenzu said:
this time they did something right :dopey:
though it is still very expensive if you compare to Germany for example...

I don't drink any alcohol...
but a few weeks ago I saw how cheap wine is here in Germany, I was shocked! 1 euro for two liters or so...
I always thought wine is something special... :erk:
Unicorn said:
I don't drink any alcohol...
but a few weeks ago I saw how cheap wine is here in Germany, I was shocked! 1 euro for two liters or so...
I always thought wine is something special... :erk:

that's good for you, I know some (finnish) people that don't drink at all...
you can afford to buy other stuff, than alcohol...
well, I think there are good wines (that cost a lot) and , hmmm, less good wines :loco:

btw. Isn't this going a bit off topic? :rock:
Unicorn said:
I don't drink any alcohol...
but a few weeks ago I saw how cheap wine is here in Germany, I was shocked! 1 euro for two liters or so...
I always thought wine is something special... :erk:

yeah, at aldi i suppose... and it's not special... it's not even wine! it's crap!
gar977 said:
you can check out the Islamic version written 500 hundred years after the Holy bible with bits and pieces changed to make it look original(do not change or add to this book -Revelation) or you can follow the bible itself and not the words of Muhammed the illiterate man who waged countless wars against Christians and Jews. Something Jesus never came close to doing. He forgave. .

is it supposed to be directed to me?!

i think you better follow the proper manner and donot attack others beliefs.
cause i really able to attack your book.
and what you say will not be 1st time to hear ,cause there are other places which discuss that matter in more details,so your slander looks silly after.especially you offer it to me in music forum.
you better to be sure that i find in Quran what make me sure about it.

48. And thou wast not (able) to recite a Book before this (Book came), nor art thou (able) to transcribe it with thy right hand: In that case, indeed, would the talkers of vanities have doubted.
49. Nay, here are Signs self-evident in the hearts of those endowed with knowledge: and none but the unjust reject Our Signs.
(Quran translation 29:the spider ,48,49)

you was thinking you supply me with something i should feel ashamed of it!?
well i like to tell you i am proud of it.

and it is really silly to post a slander and post the answer of that slander in the same post.you should be more smart in the next time,with another one of course.
I had enough of the religion talk...and I believe others did too.
I have pretty much a lot to say to you both as this forum's representetive of the jews...but I'm not gonna because this is not the fucking place for it...
I have come to understand when people talk about their religion they can't stop and everyone takes personally what the other one said and start calling each other ignorant and before you know people start slaughtering each other in the name of god.
Before this forum becomes a Holy war zone,for the love of god(or satan or whoever you believe in) stop!
whoever thinks this thread shoul be locked and allowed to sink to all eternity, say aye!
Please. please, please take up some other forums space and time with your religious crap. I said it before and I'll say it again: this only causes more hate and anger between people. Religious fanatics, whether they are muslims, jews or christians sucks so incredible much that its hard to find any word for it...
Maron said:
Please. please, please take up some other forums space and time with your religious crap. I said it before and I'll say it again: this only causes more hate and anger between people. Religious fanatics, whether they are muslims, jews or christians sucks so incredible much that its hard to find any word for it...

The holy bible is pretty cool though, all three volumes of it.
It got "Godsend" songs on it:rock:
Silent Song said:
:lol: I have those!
ahmahmorphanedlandahmahm...pretty much the only way to get their "disciples of the sacred oath"
I have them too... pretty awesome compilation...
appearently alot of great bands go through Holy Records but almost none of them stay there.