Dance Of Death!!!

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
Well, what does everyone think? If you don't like Maiden, period, don't bother posting.

And I know there is an Iron Maiden forum, but I really want to know what others think outside their solid fanbase, and also to spread the word...


An awesome album IMO...what do you think?
i personally enjoy it quite a bit, my favorite is paschendale. no more lies, rainmaker, montsegur, and dance of death are great as well.
pisschrist said:
i personally enjoy it quite a bit, my favorite is paschendale. no more lies, rainmaker, montsegur, and dance of death are great as well.

I'm going to have to agree with you there. The CD is definately great and Paschendale is just awsome.
Dance of Death is one of the best Maiden releases in a while. Put's Brave New World to shame. And I'm one of the few who like Brave New World.
I've only heard it once through, but on that first listen it sounded very bland! And it was as if they'd just rehashed 4 or 5 of their previous songs, since half of the album sounds like Blood Brothers 2: The Sequel, and the rest was bits of The Clansman, Lord Of The Flies, and (bizarrely) Sheriff Of Huddersfield all mixed together. Not to mention the poor production job; is that a biscuit tin that Nicko's using as a snare drum this time around? ;)
I think it's an excellent album The problem a band like Maiden has is trying to live up to expectations. They'll never match NOTB or POM, but DOD is a fucking great record all the same.
It's better than BNW, it has a lot less of Steve's Celticy shit and a lot of great riffing.
And at least one legendary metal band can still come up with some fucking incredible solos! Fuck me, theres almost three solos on every song on DOD and all of them - even Janick's - are tremendous!

I think it's a great album. Although I can see the guys comment above about Sheriff of Huddersfield - Montsegur's verse is quite similar, but fuck SoH was a great B side!
Glad to hear that the general consensus thinks it's a step up from Brave New World. That makes it a success already.

TakinTheMusicBack said:
Fuck me, theres almost three solos on every song on DOD and all of them - even Janick's - are tremendous!

"Janick Gers" and "tremendous solos" in the same sentence? :loco:
I know, I don't normally like Janick's solos but I have to admit he's really done the business on DOD. He seems to have actually followed Dave and H by CRAFTING solos instead of just randomly flailing away as fast as he could like he normally does.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
He seems to have actually followed Dave and H by CRAFTING solos instead of just randomly flailing away as fast as he could like he normally does.

Thank god! (I hope you're right - I've yet to hear the album). :D
I love maiden. Thier old stuff is the best. The thing is, I don't like any of the albums after powerslave. Yes their are some good songs but I think that most of the albums after that are pretty weak. I listened to brave new world and I like wicker man because that killer chorus but the I thought that album wasn't to stunning. Do you think that I would like it? Would you consider it a return to form? If so, I might just go get it.

@Guardian of Darkness - Dude, if you don't like Iron Maiden, you aparently don't like heavy metal. these guys are the roots to heavy metal. Yes you might not love their new stuff. But their first albums where fucking killer.
MetalHeadMarc said:
I love maiden. Thier old stuff is the best. The thing is, I don't like any of the albums after powerslave. Yes their are some good songs but I think that most of the albums after that are pretty weak. I listened to brave new world and I like wicker man because that killer chorus but the I thought that album wasn't to stunning. Do you think that I would like it? Would you consider it a return to form? If so, I might just go get it.

@Guardian of Darkness - Dude, if you don't like Iron Maiden, you aparently don't like heavy metal. these guys are the roots to heavy metal. Yes you might not love their new stuff. But their first albums where fucking killer.

I dunno, you may like it, you may not. Only one way to find out...
MetalHeadMarc said:
I love maiden. Thier old stuff is the best. The thing is, I don't like any of the albums after powerslave.

Dude - you're selling yourself short if you don't give Somewhere in Time a chance. I personally think Seventh Son was their last truly great album, although the follow ups had some shining moments, but Somewhere in Time is one of the best Maiden albums ever.

If any of you are interested, and haven't seen it yet, our webzine did a pretty big feature on Iron Maiden. We did about 18 reviews of their albums, and I think it turned out pretty good! Check it out: Be glad to hear your thoughts. :)
MetalHeadMarc said:
@Guardian of Darkness - Dude, if you don't like Iron Maiden, you aparently don't like heavy metal. these guys are the roots to heavy metal. Yes you might not love their new stuff. But their first albums where fucking killer.


You don't have to love every band that has huge influence on a particular genre. I do like a few Maiden songs, but on the whole I don't like them.