Dark fucking Throne!

Darkthrone IS the definition of Black Metal.

Yes, but I'm sure you can tell, but by definition black metal I meant bands who intentionally fulfill every black metal aesthetic.

Obviously a band nowadays can make a black metal album, and record with even rawer production, grimmer corpse paint, and meet or exceed criteria for what the general consensus would agree makes the ideal black metal album...but does that make it any more authentic or 'black metal' than a band who actually helped develop and spawn the scene? No.

So yes, I agree with you and it would be almost ironic to suggest than any bands from today is any more black metal than Darkthrone.
New Wave Of Black Heavy Metal (EP)

So who's heard it? Thoughts?

I think it sounds like an extension off The Cult Is Alive (not a bad thing at all in my opinion), but slightly more old school metal. It definitely retains the black metal edge which Fenriz and Culto pull off without effort.

NWOBHM (i.e. the EP overall) definitely sounds like its title - it sounds like Black Heavy Metal would sound! Fucking dirty, urbanised (yes that's my word of the moment these days, but I find it totally applies to Darkthrone) complete with the Darkthrone style which everyone else wishes they could pull off. Pretty fucking good if you ask me!

Of note - there is something truly amazing in the last 2 minutes of "Hedninger Fra Helvete" (track 3) - an almost 70s inspired bridge. Simple & primitive, but hypnotic, and yet clearly Black Metal.

I think F.O.A.D. is going to be a real shock for many people, but overall, I get the feeling the album is going to be a fucking kickass one
New Wave Of Black Heavy Metal (EP)

So who's heard it? Thoughts?

I think it sounds like an extension off The Cult Is Alive (not a bad thing at all in my opinion), but slightly more old school metal. It definitely retains the black metal edge which Fenriz and Culto pull off without effort.

NWOBHM (i.e. the EP overall) definitely sounds like its title - it sounds like Black Heavy Metal would sound! Fucking dirty, urbanised (yes that's my word of the moment these days, but I find it totally applies to Darkthrone) complete with the Darkthrone style which everyone else wishes they could pull off. Pretty fucking good if you ask me!

Of note - there is something truly amazing in the last 2 minutes of "Hedninger Fra Helvete" (track 3) - an almost 70s inspired bridge. Simple & primitive, but hypnotic, and yet clearly Black Metal.

I think F.O.A.D. is going to be a real shock for many people, but overall, I get the feeling the album is going to be a fucking kickass one

I need to check out the new EP.

How was Culto's new film? PM me the answer becuase I leave for the airport soon.
Great, if you can appreciate a non-linear, abstract and unconventional film. It's not for the faint of heart. It is about nothing, and everything.
the new ep is fucking excellent. i was actually surprised, i went in listening thinking i would totally hate it. oh and Canadian metal is hilarious.

I will be buying this :kickass:
^ ?

Hub, what are your favorite Darkthrone albums?

I am trying to decide on what to buy. It's between Hate Them and The Cult is Alive, for right now.

Both are great - Hate Them is more closely aligned to the earlier releases which most fans really love and is a fucking grim album imo. The Cult Is Alive is more aligned to the punk influences on Black Metal, but it is still a good album.

Personally I would go with Hate Them, then get Panzerfaust, then The Cult Is Alive.

I think the new ep is a terrible excuse for a release.

Why mate - explain? I think the new EP is excellent.
Ok I was watching the misanthrope and it's very weird because it has these random interludes where there is some guy cross country skiing and just lots of random things all around.

Also they often meet up with a band called aura noir and I'm not sure what exactly they discuss at these so called meetings. Usually they just sit around some fire in the middle of nowhere and say nothing.

Then there is this random old man who is apparently an odinist or something, yet most of the time you don't know what he is saying because there are few subtitles.

Overall though it's pretty cool especially when they go to japan and the scenery is also beautiful!