Dark fucking Throne!

I think Transilvanian Hunger is the litmus test for Black Metal fans. If you can understand that album, you've understood the essense of Black Metal. That is my opinion anyway.
I'm still on a Darkthrone listening spree of late. Having listened to the first five (not counting Goatlord) lately, my current ranking is as follows:

1) A Blaze in the Northern Sky (by a long fucking shot)
2) Under a Funeral Moon
3) Soulside Journey
4) Transylvanian Hunger
5) Panzerfaust (only song I really liked on this was the third)

Not that anyone cares about this exciting news. I just felt like posting.
Panzerfaust has excellent songs... The Hordes Of Nebulah, Beholding The Throne Of Might and Quintessence being the standouts imo.

I've only listened once so far, so maybe it'll take me some time. Hordes of Nebulah was definitely fucking wicked. I love that song.

One thing that annoys me about it is that the vocals are mixed unusually high on the album, and they aren't particularly good vocals either imo.

Two men. One absolute pinnacle of true Norwegian and urbanised Black Metal expression.

Completely self-indulgent, un-technical yet arguably more powerful than almost any other Black Metal band to exist to date, Darkthrone epitomises every single character of Black Metal culture into razor sharp, simplistic compositions which while lacking technicality, balance with a supreme level of blunt, direct anarchic and anti-conformist expression in a way which can only be described as True Black Metal (a title few to none can share).

Framed by Fenriz's minimalist, yet perfectly suited drumming style, and combined with the unparalleled caustic shrieks of Nocturno Culto, every single song they have ever played evokes a true metal culture harkening back to the days of the early 80s (Bathory and thrash in mind) like few other Black Metal bands have ever done.

As Darkthrone has evolved, so too has their willingness to tell us what this is really about: a simple pay of respect to the greats of metal, showing Culto and Fenriz as quite simply, big fans of the music they play and listen to themselves. Their humbleness creates the richness of their imaginations: Darkthrone is almost a fantasy worship of true and dirty metal.

Many love them, many hate them. I have been on either side of that fence, but now I site firmly with those who admire these two under-rated visionaries.

Vent your hate, or shower these two fuckers who are perhaps still the grimmest bastards in the Black Metal world with all the respect they deserve.


Fuckin' A.

I've only listened once so far, so maybe it'll take me some time. Hordes of Nebulah was definitely fucking wicked. I love that song.

One thing that annoys me about it is that the vocals are mixed unusually high on the album, and they aren't particularly good vocals either imo.

You'll get used to it... remember, the thing with Darkthrone, almost more so than any other Black Metal band is that they convey "anti-music" better than anyone else does. Thus, Culto's vocals being totally uncontrolled. It's the attitude of "I really don't give a fuck about anything".

It doesn't sound practiced, it sounds spontaneous, and above all, real. That's the beauty of it, especially in that second-half section of Quintessence - it truly is as grim as fuck in ways that others to this day can't even come close to imitating.
Darkthrone is really awesome, but Ildjarn is definitely way more "anti-music" than they are.
You'll get used to it... remember, the thing with Darkthrone, almost more so than any other Black Metal band is that they convey "anti-music" better than anyone else does. Thus, Culto's vocals being totally uncontrolled. It's the attitude of "I really don't give a fuck about anything".

It doesn't sound practiced, it sounds spontaneous, and above all, real. That's the beauty of it, especially in that second-half section of Quintessence - it truly is as grim as fuck in ways that others to this day can't even come close to imitating.

Eh, I guess that's one way to look at it. The tone of his vocals is pretty cool, but it sounds to me like he's short on breath half the time or something... just sounds rather lazy and awkward.

I guess next time I listen to it I'll keep your comments in mind.