Dear Buzzard:

Billy milano is a bitch ass fat piece of trash. he talks about attending the fans while scott are a sandwhich, im surprised there was any food there with billy around. also, at a show in 1992 at the ritz in new york, he beat a kid in the crowd over the head with a mic. nice way to attend the fans, JACKASS !!
Skorned1 said:
Hi there! I am posting here and not bothering to go to your site since I know you try and lurk in the shaddows. Why should I spend all my time going over there, when you will obviously come to me.

Please get laid, take a course in "Anger Management", go to AA and read the Kaballah.

You need inner peace. Perhaps then you will understand that one's own success lies in one's own hands.

You seem to thrive on hatred. Someone that you are forgetting to name is yourself. Your true anger lies in the dissapointment w/yourself. Your obiesity proves your self hatred.

I do enjoy SOD, I also saw "Kill Yourself the Movie" You don't come off as a pleasant person, but I had given you the benefit of the doubt that you were playing to the camera. I was obviously wrong.

BTW: I got the movie for research, but mainly because SCOTT IAN IS A HOT PIECE OF ASS! So, as you cash in your royalties, think of me ! ;)

YEAH! What she said, You P.A.M.F.!!!!!
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Billy milano is a bitch ass fat piece of trash. he talks about attending the fans while scott are a sandwhich, im surprised there was any food there with billy around. also, at a show in 1992 at the ritz in new york, he beat a kid in the crowd over the head with a mic. nice way to attend the fans, JACKASS !!

Why do you think Scott was eating? He had to get something before Billy came in and polished it off. It wasn't a disrespect thing. It was survival of the fittest!
Yeah, Billy Milano said he was attending the fans. Thats Bullshit. We all know scott cares about fans more than billy milano. At the ritz in 1992 billy beat some kid in the crowd. What a jackass.
Anyone see this?

Just a small list of people that have/had more talent and/or are cooler than milano.
Scott Ian
Charlie Benante
John Bush
Vanilla Ice
Kerry King
Dave Lombardo
Jeff hanneman
Tom Araya
Dave mustaine
James hetfield
Lars ulrich
Kirk hammett
cliff burton
jason newsted
robert trujillo
that creepy six flags old guy
Chuck billy
Alex Skolnick
Eric Peterson
Steve DiGiorgio
Paul Bostaph
Chef boyardee
Gary holt
Paul baloff
King diamond
Zakk Wylde
That "dude you're getting a dell" guy
the cop that killed the guy who shot dimebag
Phil anselmo
Phil anselmo's dealer
Randy Rhoads
tony Iommi
Geezer butler
bil ward
Rob Halford
Glenn Tipton
K.K. Downing
Ian Hill
Scott Travis
Bruce Dickinson
Dave Murray
Adrian Smith
Janick Gers
Steve Harris
Nicko McBrain
britney spears
paris hilton
Jens Kidman
Fredrik Thordendal
Mårten Hagström
Dick Löwgren bass
Tomas Haake
Rob zombie
Ron jeremy
Tim Owens
Jon Schaffer
The guy who voices "spongebob squarepants"
Eddie van halen
David lee roth
Glenn danzig
jerry cantrell
Bon Scott
Brian Johnson
Angus Young
Malcolm Young
Cliff Williams
Phil Rudd
The guy who wrote the theme to "the transformers"
Everyone in slipknot
Fred durst
Hillary duff
Rob flynn
mc hammer.

Thank you.
I think there are a lot of teeny watchers. I think the day that Brittney Spears came of age almost became a national holiday