Death Metal Bands

The new Immortal sounds nothing special to me, sounds like I but I was better, I found more amusing listening to the old stuff again than this.

Edit: The Rise of Darkness is awesome, but still sounds more like I than Immortal.
^Maybe I'll think that in a few days, I hope I will.

Fact: Hypocrisy should Re-Record the 1st two albums, or at least Necronomicon. Masse sucks donkey fart.

And the new album is growing on me, just like expected.
^Maybe I'll think that in a few days, I hope I will.

Fact: Hypocrisy should Re-Record the 1st two albums, or at least Necronomicon. Masse sucks donkey fart.

And the new album is growing on me, just like expected.

Always wanted the first two re-recorded, but old Masse didn't suck on those. His voice was really unique, but Peter is 100x better.
It's too late to re-record them now... Peter's voice is getting shot. Now if his vocals were what they were on the fourth dimension... oh fuck yes.
His voice is getting shot? People get dumber on this forum or what? He's just as brutal as he's ever been. Have you ever happened to see him live?
His voice is getting shot? People get dumber on this forum or what? He's just as brutal as he's ever been. Have you ever happened to see him live?

Sadly, no... but it seems like he has to shriek at this point... his growl is pretty much gone.

I didnt even notice it that much until I listened to The Fourth Dimension and Apocalypse, the originals against the re-records