Death Metal Bands

I think they're ok, especially because I think it's very funny^^ have to imagine the real "artists" growling the lyrics when I hear it. It's enough to entertain me a few minutes.
hahaha there is no room for comedy in black/deathmetal imo

ive been following this thread since it started and i can't remember if anyones mentioned this but has anyone heard the new rotting christ album, they came and played a show near me last week and i passed it up, then i downloaded some and its great, now i regret not going:erk:
you know what ive never been a fan of the straight up brutal death metal like cryptopsy and devourment and stuff like that, but i like a few cryptopsy songs, and i tihnk this new guy could be ok, my only thing is people who love cryptopsy love lord worm, and i dont like him lol, i dont think hes a very talented vocalist and i dont really like his growls, ive heard their demo the newest one and the one with dead and dripping on it, i think the band is extremely talented, but i think lord worm is no good haha, im sure there are plenty that disagree though, including a few friends of mine
Yeah man, I hear what your saying about Lord Worm. That's why I'm kind of excited about the new vocalist. He can sing. And sing he will, with clean vocals (as well as death growls).

The only reason I've loved cryptopsy is their ability to actually play. I mean common, Flo Mournier? Fucking unreal. The jazz influence with the guitars. Brilliant. I have alot of respect for guitarist's with multiple influences who are able to channel those influences together to create their own sound.

Hearing Lord Worm in the beginng? I detested it. But its the music that had me. And I think that in death metal, it's the music that is the main focal point. If the music's not good, you might as well throw out everything your band has, cause as far as I'm concerned, it's nothing at that point.

Don't get me wrong though, if you can do a death growl well like Mike A, then your fucking golden, and I have alot of respect for vo(kill)ists that can do that. But if it's anything that I've learned about writing music, it's this: the music has to be good, or you have nothing. Vocals come last. I dont care if you think you're a good singer or if you think your poetry or lyrics are good. They dont mean anything.
What makes a band is the music, and thats why i've always been a fan of the players in Cryptopsy.

To me, good vocalists are people who can listen to music, understand what it's trying to convey, and are able to depict that emotion in a way everyone can understand.

I am now stepping down from my soapbox.

Currently listening to: Marty Friedman "Saturation Point", Gorguts "Obscura" and Sepultura "Inner Self"