Death Metal Bands

lol...just stop man...all that shit is shitty. If you find that stuff to be good at all then you're a moron. It's a bunch of posers trying to play death metal...some joking hipsters who thinks it's cool to play "death" metal with a wigger attitude. Fuck it...I expect more from someone with Autopsy in their sig and avatar.

I might be an elitist to some...but they're just ignorant...I prefer quality over quantity, you and some of your buds on the other hand, take what's there...sad as a shit you are.

i am fucked up :D someone gimme a bier

I'll admit most deathcore is shitty... but you havent listened to any of it because death metal fans arent supposed to like it so you cant say it's all shitty and know what you're talking about whatsoever.

I could post really good old school death metal like Abominant, Adramalech, Atheist, Desecration, Benediction,Carnage + all the early swedish dm, Bolt Thrower, Cancer, Carbonized, Cianide, I could go on forever... but every regular on these boards have heard it all already. I like to listen to new shit and find the good in it instead of just perpetually recycling things I've already heard.

Do I love old school death metal? Yes I do.
Will I listen to a breakcore album and enjoy it? Yes I will.

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And.... I think Carnage's full length is probably the best swedish style old school death metal album there is... nothing to do with being "kvlt"
So is Necrophobic worth checking out?

If so... any albums in particular?
YES! Their first 2 are great dark/occult old school Swedish death metal.

Their new one "Death to All" is the ultimate cure for those who were disappointed with Reinkaos. One of the best and most powerful albums released this year so far i.m.o.

Listen to these:

if you have never heard Convulse...why so lazy?

listen or die trying...
I used to own their "Reflections" album (which kinda sucked), but I never heard their older stuff, I'll check it out.
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Goth metal Cemetary makes me sad every time I listen to An Evil Shade of Grey.

So I'm listening to Mangled Torsos' full length (drawings of the dead... since it seems they have actually have 2)... reminds me alot of Autopsy but even slower and doomier.

I approve.
I'll admit most deathcore is shitty... but you havent listened to any of it because death metal fans arent supposed to like it so you cant say it's all shitty and know what you're talking about whatsoever.

I could post really good old school death metal like Abominant, Adramalech, Atheist, Desecration, Benediction,Carnage + all the early swedish dm, Bolt Thrower, Cancer, Carbonized, Cianide, I could go on forever... but every regular on these boards have heard it all already. I like to listen to new shit and find the good in it instead of just perpetually recycling things I've already heard.

Do I love old school death metal? Yes I do.
Will I listen to a breakcore album and enjoy it? Yes I will.

Listen...I'm not ignorant. I'll listen to some of these bands, but modern day deathcore is just crap. The guys are great musicians, no doubt, but at the end of the day they are just playing boring music to my ears. There's no riffs, no catchiness, nothing to call mom home about. I admit sometimes I may go a little overboard, but's a forum, and I like to come on when I have a drink....right now I'm sober, how boring.

But come on...Abominant is boring :p I use to get their cds free with some mailorder from Georgia...

Now I'm not sure what breakcore is, but fuck genre names anyways right? I like myself a few modern hardcore albums here and there. Weekend Nachos, well I put them off because of the name, but that is some aggressive music, exactly how hardcore should be.

Now I'm gonna finish my jack in the crack taco.
That's how I feel about a lot of those deathcore bands, they are pretty technically proficient with their instruments, but I just don't like the music they play.
I'll admit most deathcore is shitty... but you havent listened to any of it because death metal fans arent supposed to like it so you cant say it's all shitty and know what you're talking about whatsoever.

I could post really good old school death metal like Abominant, Adramalech, Atheist, Desecration, Benediction,Carnage + all the early swedish dm, Bolt Thrower, Cancer, Carbonized, Cianide, I could go on forever... but every regular on these boards have heard it all already. I like to listen to new shit and find the good in it instead of just perpetually recycling things I've already heard.

Do I love old school death metal? Yes I do.
Will I listen to a breakcore album and enjoy it? Yes I will.

I will second a good deal of this. I am not particularly interested in deathcore, I can barely stand most of it. However a genre label does not dictate the quality of the music, and when a particular style is as oversaturated with soulless music as deathcore it makes it too easy for "true" metal heads to pick it apart. Sometimes it can be hard to even bother TRYING to find a gem amongst all the camel feces because of it, but I still try to give most bands a chance. Just about everything recommended on this board eventually makes it into my playlist for better or worse. I need to explore music a great deal because hearing the same shit over and over has actually made me uninterested in run of the mill, flat out death metal.

I admit sometimes I may go a little overboard, but's a forum, and I like to come on when I have a drink....right now I'm sober, how boring.

lmao. This place is best drunk, hopefully all the fuckers on this board don't take rants too personal. Any shots I take at anyone are very rarely meant to be insulting, and even then rarely an attack on character. Even if the drunkeness does lead to excess spam :zombie:

Edit: The one problem with drunken posting is that sometimes as you write shit you get deja vu like you may have alreayd said the same tihng like 37 seperate times but you can't quite be sure:S. As I wrote this post I felt like that. lol