Death Metal Bands

obzen was a major improve towards their old sound, hehe hihi hoho :) hope they finally go back to that lovely entomed-ish beat they had on destroy erase improve :)
Jesper and Glen played together in Dimension Zero and that was nothing more than a snooze fest. Face Down was also pretty half-assed. Seems potentially cool, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll wait until a song is released before deciding.

Pretty much agree wit hthis dude.
Was a while since I gave DZ a spin though.
Meshpoopah is the second on my list of Shitty bands with even shitter fans

1. Dream Theater
2. Meshpoopah
3. Beatles
meh, if we are talking about shitty fans I would put meshuggah a bit lower and opeth would take the first place, no questions ask... opeth fanboys are simply crap ¬¬