Death Metal Bands

Im on my third listen on this track and I think it has a good amount of groove, more of this and it will be AWZM!

Now I have allready ruined this album for Stefan :D
talking about awesome pantera, bow down to the real heirs to the throne of Pantera :headbang:


me likes :)
tried the new morbid angel song. same old shit they've been doing the past three albums. unfocused, super rhythmic music with no real songwriting or hooks.

lol you play generic old school death metal

Yes they do but Morbid Angel is still a major ültra fail band because they still live on the fame and success of their first album and have not been able to make anything even close to it.:erk:

lol you listen to manowar

go and be true somewhere else kiddos :lol: