Death Metal Bands

aren't interment old as fuck? it might be a taste thingy, I think vomitory have lots of epic tunes, still to say such a band is average is like ok, what have you done? I wish I can write a song like chaos fury T.T
same with rogga, you can say he's one generic fucko but give him some kudos for being a riff machine, he eats and poops metal riffs.

Rogga "stole" an intro idea on his latest album which I had told the other guys about several months ago that we should do. Sure he did acctually get it done before us but I bet I came up with it first and if I with bearly 2 years experience of playing death metal can come up with ideas on Roggas level then either I am fucking awesome or he is not all that great and since you wanted us to be humble then I say it is the later :)
stole an intro idea? from you? maybe you both had the same idea, that doesn't make you any better or worst, you just had the same idea, many bands have decided to use mario savio's speech on the operation of the machine, that doesn't means anything regarding talent and skills o_O
on le topic, a few seconds sample of morbid angel's nevermore, the studio ver. sounds much much better than the live version.

stole an intro idea? from you? maybe you both had the same idea, that doesn't make you any better or worst, you just had the same idea, many bands have decided to use mario savio's speech on the operation of the machine, that doesn't means anything regarding talent and skills o_O

I was trying to make the point that just because you have been playing death metal since the last ice age doesn't mean you are any better than a new band. :)
regarding the whole music discussion; i think ending quest is a lot more interesting music wise than vomitory, and i'm not in the band ;) with that said, vomitory is a fucking awesome live band :headbang:

it's easy to stare yourself blind on long discographies and professional performance/recording quality though

yeah the live department is where experience comes into play. We would make a much better album than most of these old farts if we had access to the same studios and production.