Death Metal Bands

Corpsegrinder is hardly the deepest, highest or most articulate (he is bad at that actually). He is pretty fast I'll give him that, but that's not nearly enough to keep me interested past the first 15 uses of "disembowel", "kill" and "mutilate"... He is boring and monotonous to my ears. Of course to each their own, but not my preference.

Though Chris Barnes is absolutely shit, haha
Agree'd, Tumn.

I honestly don't know how chris barnes has followers. Guy needs a good beating. I love Six Feet Under's style but chris barnes ruins it completely :(
I liked him on Tomb of the Mutilated, which is the only Cannibal Corpse album I listen to. It was the album that got me into death metal.
And there is no fucking mumbling in new (post Chirs Barnes) Cannibal Corpse, Corpsegirnder rapes all death metal vocalists in burtality, articulation, speed, high pitch and low pith.

Period. :P

Sorry, but that's just lies :goggly: There are loads of singers that have better articulation than Corpsegrinder (you're listening to Bloodbath ffs), for example Dallas in Nile owns Corpsegrinder in speed and low pitch and there are also a lot of singers who can gain higher pitch than Fisher...
I have never heard a vocalist go deeper than Grinder without loosing 90% of all the power in their voice.
Chris Barney may even have been able to go deeper than Grinder, but a growling vocalist shouldn't sound like hes fucking chilling out, you got to keep the brutality and agression in the growl.

Though, lets not take a shit on this thread by making it a disscussion about who is the best singer, we are getting quite off topic.
Hypocrisy - Destroys Wacken

Always have to throw this album out there to those who think there are better growlers than Peter!
*waits for Tumn to post smt like "No one can top Peter!!!!!"* :p

I like Corpsegrinder's growls as well....
lol tsk tsk people. How can you like that crap? sure he's deep and can push air out pretty hard.. wow *clap* anyways. On to singers who can be deep w/ energy + being able to even slightly understand them :)

Peter is awsome for that, Mikael has his days(mostly with bloodbath), Adam from Behemoth Aka:Nergal. The old singer of Blood Red Throne is awsome.. I wonder if he's going to be in a new band. The new singer off Blood Red Throne's new album is shit. Ruined a perfectly good band
^ :lol: i think i have seen Eraser from that gig and its awsome indeed...I like Mikael as well...this is gonna kill me i guess ^^ but i dont like him that much in Opeth...mostly BB
Yes, "Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken" is from '98 so Eraser isnt on it.
I have the Virus bonus dvd aswell but the sound is not as good on that one as it is on the Wacken-show, imo. You can almost only hear one guitar and Peters voice sounds a bit worn out. The footage is much better though.

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