in south america, chile is the country that spends more money in weapons, the US says is chile and venezuela but obviously they do that just to fuck with chavez a bit, he says venezuela is the one that spend the less so yeah, soap opera there... anyways, after the pacific war where peru and bolivia attacked chile and argentina said it would join them unless chile cede the patagonia, chile knew next time it must be prepared, in the end we won the pacific war, so we took the coast territory of bolivia for us and the south of peru also (now known as north of chile) and now bolivia claims that land back and peru wants to re-arrange the borderline, but is land they lost after a war they started and we won rightfully... since then chile has been in a constant process of buying weapons and now the amount and the quality of the chilean weapons is so big and high tech, even brasil would doubt a war with such thin country... I don't like it really, it's money that could be use for much better things but it is needed cause the fucken politicians never get to an agreement, they just rumble and rumble endlessly, too bad. -.-