Death Metal Bands

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HYPOCRISY -End of Disclosure scheduled for March 2013

2012-12-21 06:00 - Swedish death metal monsters HYPOCRISY are still working hard on their upcoming new studio album, scheduled for a late march release! The recordings are almost done and their new beast will be entitled "End Of Disclosure"!

Band leader Peter Tägtgren commented: "Hi all, we're still in the studio working hard to finalize the album. Horgh just layed down the drums - and let me tell you - it sounds awesome!!! Thundering and brutal! We can't wait to put out the new tracks and play them live! Hope to meet you all soon on road and wish you guys a great X-mas and happy new year!“

Ewwwwwww Qth staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahp.

2013 is shaping up to be a killer year for metal; releases are tentative for Deeds Of Flesh, Rotting Christ, Suffocation, Defeated Sanity, Portal and Kvelertak among others.
I don't want to shoot my wad early, but it looks like 2013 is going to be an insanely good year for metal too. Here's what I dug up (I took from the list what I wanted, so it'll reflect my interests. Anyone else interested in searching for themselves can find the list of tentative releases here:

Skagos JAN21
Fen JAN21
LightningSwords JAN22
Convulse JAN25
Cult Of Luna JAN25
Deeds Of Flesh JAN29
Chasma JAN29
Hate JAN30
Kongh FEB5
Defeated Sanity FEB5
Suffocation FEB15
Mourning Beloveth FEB15
Guttural Secrete FEB19
Portal FEB19
Vreid FEB22
Kvelertak MAR
NightbringerSplit MAR1
Rotting Christ MAR5
Intronaut MAR19
Scale The Summit APR
Aosoth APR
Den Saakaldte APR
Demonical MAY
Deafheaven MAY
Falkenbach JUN
Fell Voices JUN
Svartsyn JUN
Kalmah JUN
Infestus JUN
Ulver JUN
Belphegor AUG
Solefald SEP
I usually post in the brual/slam thread since well that's what I prefer when talking about death metal, but i'm looking for some OLD SCHOOL death metal, from the 80's/90's that I probably never heard of. Most of time old school recommendations in this subject are terrible, with boring guitar riffs, horrible production etc, and people seem to like it just because its heavy, which is not what i'm looking for.

I've downloaded so much brutal/slam etc i'm just looking to expand my music collection from stuff like that, as I love old school shit and have every album from most of the classic bands that are well known but i'm looking for stuff that isn't SUPER popular, I use to look into this genre but kinda stopped in favor for newer stuff mostly because production of modern DM compared to 90's, and now that i'm completely familiar with the entire genre of DM (when I was looking at old school stuff a LONG time ago, I wasn't into really heavy stuff)

When I say SUPER popular i'm talking about bands like, Suffocation, Death, Morbid Angel, etc. I'm looking for bands that aren't really the most popular in a certain "subgenre" unlike entombed (which I don't really like) or the the mentioned bands.