Death Metal Bands

I usually post in the brual/slam thread since well that's what I prefer when talking about death metal, but i'm looking for some OLD SCHOOL death metal, from the 80's/90's that I probably never heard of. Most of time old school recommendations in this subject are terrible, with boring guitar riffs, horrible production etc, and people seem to like it just because its heavy, which is not what i'm looking for.

I've downloaded so much brutal/slam etc i'm just looking to expand my music collection from stuff like that, as I love old school shit and have every album from most of the classic bands that are well known but i'm looking for stuff that isn't SUPER popular, I use to look into this genre but kinda stopped in favor for newer stuff mostly because production of modern DM compared to 90's, and now that i'm completely familiar with the entire genre of DM (when I was looking at old school stuff a LONG time ago, I wasn't into really heavy stuff)

When I say SUPER popular i'm talking about bands like, Suffocation, Death, Morbid Angel, etc. I'm looking for bands that aren't really the most popular in a certain "subgenre" unlike entombed (which I don't really like) or the the mentioned bands.

Desolator full length incoming ;)
I'm pretty sure that they are poking fun at the Westboro Baptist Church that pickets people funerals that served in the US Army hates gays etc. But here is the negative while I have no problems with Christians I have to safely say that not all Christians are like the bunch from Westboro Baptist Church. You see I have some Christian friends and those that are Atheist we respect each others beliefs.

I fricking hate politics and vegan crap in my metal. :(