Death Metal Bands

The new Amon Amarth album `Twilight Of The Thundergod` is sounding fucking good.

Of course I downloaded the songs that are torrented right now because I hate waiting. Still pre-ordered the cd though.
I'm going to see Amon Amarth October 15. Never heard them live so I'm looking forward to it. Too bad they are playing with bands I'd rather not see. Ensiferum, Belphegor, The Absence and Amon Amarth... That's a pretty fucked line-up but I guess I'll make do.
Opeth (Progressive Death the fucking most awesome band in the \/\/orld.)
Slayer (though I personally don't like them.)
Dark Tranquility (Melodic Death.)
Katatonia (No idea what they are... they have some Doom Metal albums but generally I have no clue what style they are.)
Edge Of Sanity (Dan Swano's band - truly just chaos.)

Well, I'd recommend a lot more but the other bands are exactly what you wrote ;[
^ i just creamed

i probably won't like it as much as from mars to sirus but it should kick ass, the new song is great. actually, if deftones were metal, they would probably be gojira
Just so you guys know, one of my favourite bands, godhate, have issued an interesting update... taken from their myspace:


GODHATE has spent the last year recruiting new members and writing
a whole new album. And since the 14th of August GODHATE are in the
working process of this new album.
The recordings will be done in co-operation with Dino Medanhodzic (also
known as the guitarist in Carnal Forge), from elastic studio, as engineer.
This album is scheduled for just 3 weeks, and so far things are looking real
The album will be released (if all goes well) this fall.

A statement from Tony:

GODHATE has entered the 17th year of Antichristianity.
17 year of death and metal!
It feels a bit weird when I look back to realize the fact that I have been
lashing out this fucking metal madness for almost 20 years. Still proud that I
followed my heart and kept on living with metal instead of following the masses
and wasted my life on something else boring.
And now, once again, I'm in the studio making one hell of an album and I
strongly believe in what's to come.
The material that we will deliver with this new full length album is so strong that I
without any hesitation can say that The time has come for GODHATE to make
a fuckin' stand!! And Hell be damned if not!

For the recording you will find Mike Geerberg (drums), Björn Eriksson (bass),
Thomas Eldnatt (guitars), our old drummer Roger Sundkvist and of course
myself, Tony Freed (vocals and guitars).

Last but not least, our label (Metal fortress) told us we need bigger labels that
are ambitious enough to support us all the way through. And a label that are at
the same level as the band.
Metal Fortress will take the position as the bands management until further on.
This means we are in a phase to evolve from our label to a greater base.
We encourage serious labels to get in touch!

Check them out here top notch death metal!
Opeth (Progressive Death the fucking most awesome band in the //orld.)
Slayer (though I personally don't like them.)
Dark Tranquility (Melodic Death.)
Katatonia (No idea what they are... they have some Doom Metal albums but generally I have no clue what style they are.)
Edge Of Sanity (Dan Swano's band - truly just chaos.)

Well, I'd recommend a lot more but the other bands are exactly what you wrote ;[


^ i just creamed

i probably won't like it as much as from mars to sirus but it should kick ass, the new song is great. actually, if deftones were metal, they would probably be gojira

Hmm never thought of Deftones that way, but it's not completely wrong that theory..

I love both bands :) And Stefan can suck my left ball :)