Death Metal Bands

Anyway I like listening to it, it's not top notch but it's good to pass the time when you are outside.

I'm seeing them live September 5th, I'll post something about it then. Nile and Belphegor play the same night.
I'd go only for Nile. Never really liked grave. They got alot of potential but fall short when it comes to the overall feel of their songs.

And yes I've heard all their music, friend of mine is a big fan. only need one listen to that Grave album to know they lost pretty much everything...well good thing there's tons of newer bands with that old school style rising up in Sweden. It's a good time for Death Metal...bad time for my wallet :)

There's some good Grave tunes after 2000 like "Burn", "Rise", "By Demons Bred" and a few more but this new is re-heaaally boring.
why can't women ski?

because there's no snow between the bedroom and the kitchen


A woman gets run over by a car, whose fault is it?

The woman's, why the hell wasn't she in the kitchen?

Why don't men get orange skin (Orangenhaut in German, not sure about the translation)?
Because it looks like shit. And why do women bleed regularily?
Because they deserve it.
I'm seeing them live September 5th, I'll post something about it then. Nile and Belphegor play the same night.

I was thinking of catching that tour, I've liked Grave for a while and unfortunately missed them on the 'Masters of Death' tour along with Entombed, Dismember and Unleashed.. Which im honestly still gutted about!

I can imagine their massive riffs being pretty fun live. :kickass:

Not a big fan of Nile though, their records kind of bore me. Belphegor have their moments.. Although they are very samey, fun band.
I'll just have to assume that the "schwein" was a typo :lol:
Yeah I fooking love equilibrium, their new album is great. Snüffel is one of my faves


Snuffel man, it's the most played song on my mp3 player together with Unbesiegt.

2, 3, 4 and 6 are zee best.

But Met is still the song I can listen to ANY time.
^Yo fucka, you've been listening to Repugnant?

It's so good, I spent the whole day listening to it.

What other bands did the dude recommend and have you listened to any?

Since I'm kinda in a rush...but want to be very are some bands to check out: Revokation, Dead Congregation/Nuclear Winter, Necros Christos, Nominon, Bestial Raids, Nocturnal Graves, Martire, Ignivomous, Blasphemophagher, Diocletian, Verminous, Drowned, Necroholocaust, Deiphago and Nocturnal Vomit.

A good start.
you guys heard this band? i don't know about you but i liked it :)

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I've mentioned them before, but anyone of you knows SEANCE? They released 2 albums in the early nineties and were recently re-activated and have a new album ready for release through Singaporian label Pulverized Records.

Their 2nd album from 1993 called "Saltrubbed Eyes" is extremely killer and you REALLY should give it a listen if you're a (Death) Metal fan, so do yourself a favour! It's NOT your typical 'mellow' or melodic Death Metal that you might expect from Sweden, this kicks some serious ass, very brutal yet catchy stuff, killer vocals, killer riffs, killer sound and killer songs!

Old songs: (tribute page)
New songs: (official profile)
