Death Metal Bands

I was at a concert and some homeless guy was passing out flyers saying "free old school death metal downloads" . They're an ok band... but the claims on the flyer are hilarious. No time to post them now.

Since I'm kinda in a rush...but want to be very are some bands to check out: Revokation, Dead Congregation/Nuclear Winter, Necros Christos, Nominon, Bestial Raids, Nocturnal Graves, Martire, Ignivomous, Blasphemophagher, Diocletian, Verminous, Drowned, Necroholocaust, Deiphago and Nocturnal Vomit.

A good start.

Thanks again man, I'll try and trace down some of those bands :kickass:
I've mentioned them before, but anyone of you knows SEANCE? They released 2 albums in the early nineties and were recently re-activated and have a new album ready for release through Singaporian label Pulverized Records.

Their 2nd album from 1993 called "Saltrubbed Eyes" is extremely killer and you REALLY should give it a listen if you're a (Death) Metal fan, so do yourself a favour! It's NOT your typical 'mellow' or melodic Death Metal that you might expect from Sweden, this kicks some serious ass, very brutal yet catchy stuff, killer vocals, killer riffs, killer sound and killer songs!

Old songs: (tribute page)
New songs: (official profile)

Obviously after my warm recommendation all of you listened to this immediately and thrashed your rooms in the process, but you all forgot to post just how awesome you thought it was! Please post, I'd love to hear it!
I remember long time ago lord k mentioned them somewhere, he said that "saltrubbed eyes" was even better that grave's "soulless" so I got the cd without even listening to it before... my first impression about it was "that's one killer bass sound", seance rules! :heh: