Death Metal Bands

Neat. I was like 80% sure they were going to be getting two vocalists for this new line up though, trying to find one guy for both jobs would have taken fuckin forever.

Hmmm. Robert Karlsson is not the same guy I thought he was. The only thing I could find where he did vocals was Cryptic by Edge of Sanity which wasn't really that good compared to Christian's growl style. Not sure how I feel about that. Clean vocalist sounds pretty decent so far.
Hour of Penance - The Vile Conception must be the #3 DM release in 2008 after Infinitum and UTP. That album is sick!

Yeah, its ok for brutal death. The drums sound soooooooo fake tho. I hate 100% triggered drums. Right now the only band that really stands out to me in that genre is Origin (antithesis is a masterpiece)
Yeah, its ok for brutal death. The drums sound soooooooo fake tho. I hate 100% triggered drums. Right now the only band that really stands out to me in that genre is Origin (antithesis is a masterpiece)

What separates HoP from other technical/fast modern bands is that they have some actual aggression. They just don't do that clinical showoff shit that can be so grating.
What separates HoP from other technical/fast modern bands is that they have some actual aggression. They just don't do that clinical showoff shit that can be so grating.

Yeah, you're right. That's part of what pisses me off about most metal today, there's no feel! I find too much feel in HoP, but definitely more than most. Spawn of Possession has its moments but they never last.
Yeah, you're right. That's part of what pisses me off about most metal today, there's no feel! I find too much feel in HoP, but definitely more than most. Spawn of Possession has its moments but they never last.

Yup. That's why it's great to hear a few bands who can mix that modern sense with songwriting, sheer intelligence and feeling like Infinitum and Hour of Penance did this year. Those clinical bands like Spawn of Possession and Decrepit Birth doesn't do it for me.
I think that's why I've been steering away from a lot of the new bands because they're either too generic, or try too hard to make it technical. Since hearing Monotheist I've been listening to more doomy stuff and kept more to older music. The new Zebulon Pike is pretty good though if you're on some drug/intellectually induced trip.

I have and they're pretty good, kinda like suffocation. Nothing that compels me to buy their album tho. My friend hung out with them when he lived in New Zealand

Blind Guardian is the only power metal I band I can listen to. They've got the riffs. "The Script For My Requiem" + a lotta beer is m/

Dude! Rhapsody!!!!! And I love Iced Earth with Barlow
Generic power metal giving real power metal a bad name. Ever since Dragonforce got popular the power metal genre's just been going down hill....

meh. How can you say no to scottish pirates singing about mead? and curses? And going yarharharhar.

I heard of In Mourning somewhere else, not sure where anymore, but I thought they were quite good.