Hour of Penance - The Vile Conception must be the #3 DM release in 2008 after Infinitum and UTP. That album is sick!
Yeah, its ok for brutal death. The drums sound soooooooo fake tho. I hate 100% triggered drums. Right now the only band that really stands out to me in that genre is Origin (antithesis is a masterpiece)
What separates HoP from other technical/fast modern bands is that they have some actual aggression. They just don't do that clinical showoff shit that can be so grating.
Yeah, you're right. That's part of what pisses me off about most metal today, there's no feel! I find too much feel in HoP, but definitely more than most. Spawn of Possession has its moments but they never last.
I was looking through the first pages of the thread and I saw someone mention Battleheart. YES! Alestorm for the fukking win! Pure death metal right there
Blind Guardian is the only power metal I band I can listen to. They've got the riffs. "The Script For My Requiem" + a lotta beer is m/
Generic power metal giving real power metal a bad name. Ever since Dragonforce got popular the power metal genre's just been going down hill....