Death Metal Bands

Not familiar with Usipian, but Benighted and Infinitum are just dull. Lykathea Aflame has some interesting bits, but they put it together all random retard-like to the point that its no coherent as music. Arghoslent are cheesy like heavy metal and dumb like hardcore, but they seem to have a lot of fans who want their death metal to sound like Iron Maiden but give them the penis-stiffening jolt of rebellion that they'd otherwise have to buy Skrewdriver records (and get their asses kicked by the anti-fa) to get. Fags.

What is that you like?

So by you everyone should have equal tastes in music, if someone doesn't like let's say jazz throw him into the fire right? Some people need a quick fix, doesn't mean they are worthless. You're a dumb asshole, an evil person, and I'd so step on your face till you die.
What is that you like?

So by you everyone should have equal tastes in music, if someone doesn't like let's say jazz throw him into the fire right? Some people need a quick fix, doesn't mean they are worthless. You're a dumb asshole, an evil person, and I'd so step on your face till you die.

what else would you expect from a troll like him? :)
Not familiar with Usipian, but Benighted and Infinitum are just dull. Lykathea Aflame has some interesting bits, but they put it together all random retard-like to the point that its no coherent as music. Arghoslent are cheesy like heavy metal and dumb like hardcore, but they seem to have a lot of fans who want their death metal to sound like Iron Maiden but give them the penis-stiffening jolt of rebellion that they'd otherwise have to buy Skrewdriver records (and get their asses kicked by the anti-fa) to get. Fags.

Lykathea and Arghoslent have at least been on the elitist/å love list so you have to conform to loving them, otherwise your trollage is destroyed :(
For someone that assumes to be the cutting edge of evolution, you are sure showing alot of weaknesses. I think the man asked you what music you like :)