Death Metal Bands

His trolling is even funnier in the context of this post. :lol:

Personally, I'd say there's always room for disagreement, discussion and debate, but that such discourse ought to be handled in an intellectually honest fashion. You don't have to like what other people like. You don't have to derive enjoyment from the 'classics' because everyone assumes you should. You can enjoy stuff that, in your heart of hearts, you know is piffle. It doesn't make you a bad person. Or stupid. Or inferior to someone with more exacting tastes. But if you're going to defend the artistic validity of a particular choice of yours, at least do so in a manner that allows for conversational give and take, instead of trying to head off any discussion with broad platitudes which admit no room for discussion.
If you truly believe that, why do you spend your entire time on this forum insulting people for their taste in music? CONFORM OR DIE, AMIRITE?
Who's insulting people for their tastes? I've only insulted people who defend their tastes by insipidly illogical means. There's nothing wrong with liking Bloodbath (though metal would be infinitely better served by folks just listening to the classics that "inspired" Bloodbath and not rewarding a pander with financial gain), but if your response to someone not liking your favorite band is to demand that they "GTFO," you're a fucking retard, and deserve the mockery.

You not only insult when you talk, but also when you don't respond, but ok, your post here gives a hint about your elitist tastes.
Right, because I have time to respond individually to every fucking stupid request that gets tossed my way (such as the idiotic demand in another thread that I list my entire music collection, as if I have 8 or 9 hours to sit in front of a reply screen banging out thousands of titles).

What's fascinating about this particular thread is that I've already not only suggested what music I listen to - I've made that - otherwise unavailable - music available to you so you can fucking listen to it. So, instead of wasting your time arguing that shit music is good, why don't you take advantage of the good music I'm giving you for free?

Come on man, just 20 bands, pwease?
Who's insulting people for their tastes? I've only insulted people who defend their tastes by insipidly illogical means. There's nothing wrong with liking Bloodbath (though metal would be infinitely better served by folks just listening to the classics that "inspired" Bloodbath and not rewarding a pander with financial gain), but if your response to someone not liking your favorite band is to demand that they "GTFO," you're a fucking retard, and deserve the mockery.
I can't be bothered to find an example right now, but I've seen several posts of yours in the vein of "If you like band/album x, you're a fucking moron". That's clearly a contradiction to what you said in the post I quoted. If you want to be an asshole, you could do it a little more intelligently and mock their stupidity rather than their taste in music? If you really don't equate the two, that is.

What are you trying to accomplish by starting an argument here and in the Enslaved thread over on the Opeth forums?
More like what forum isn't he bitching in.....

What happened to the sunshine and rainbows?!?!

Oh, didn't know it, I'm only on the bloodbath forum :) and it was sunshine and happiness.

She's a girl, not a lady!
I'm delayed by the weight of the world!
If you say it's up to me to make the call...
...well I would say sunshine and happiness for all!
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Not true: I've certainly referred to Bloodbath as "moron music," but that's a commentary on the intellectual vacuity of the product, not the listeners. Try again.
Ok. Second try.
The intelligent folks care. But then again, you've got a Septic Flesh avatar, so you can safely be dismissed as yet another retard in a forum full of 'em.

You've also used the terms kiddie metal and moron metal. Those adjectives don't say anything about the quality of the music, but about the fanbase. Even if you argue that, you can't deny the obvious implication in the quote.

Under what heading? Death metal, metal, all music, what?
Metal please.