Death Metal Bands

Septic Flesh is notorious for terrible album art: why the hell would you use it for an avatar? So your profile looks shittier? Not a bright choice.

why do you bother? why come to a board and insult the band and some of its biggest and most loyal fans? why? dont give us some bullshit you slur out without answering the question.

See, you say you don't have time to respond to every single comment, yet you only respond to those easier for you to have one of your invalid arguments as an answer.
Septic Flesh is notorious for terrible album art: why the hell would you use it for an avatar? So your profile looks shittier? Not a bright choice.

K dude, first of all the Septic Flesh avatar is mine, not Uthark's. Maybe you woulda noticed if your head wasn't so far up your ass. :)

And the reason I chose it was not for the band but because I thought it was a rather unique modern take on Anubis. I'm sure that it too much for you to grasp since you are incapable of respecting anyone's opinion/preferences.
Just pm the mod stating that Terrestrial is causing nothing but problems, he hasn't made one comment without provoking hostile conversation with all of us. Fuck 'em
Couple of awesome death bands from British Columbia...

Horde Of Anachron, awesome blackened thrash/death metal band.

They also do a mean Carcass cover. :)

Gremory, no longer together unfortunately... But still awesome. This vid doesn't really do them justice but it's the only one they have...

They have a song on their myspace called Of Hero's Kin, which is a really good display of their technicality. Strongly recommend any death metal lover should check it out.
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Nice Bellum. First time I've heard anything half-decent from B.C. But the province and the entire country still lack a good death metal vocalist..
I must say that you are lucky.. In hungary therez not too many good metal bandz(and there aren't too many shit metal bands therez almost no metal bandz in hungary :D)

There are the hungarian bands I like very much:
- deathgrind
- trash metal/industrial
- progressive shit too, death/black metal

- black metal
- black metal too
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Tymah is also another awesome black metal band from Hungary.