Death Metal Bands

Does anyone know what the hell is happening with the new necrophagist album? It was supposed to be out this summer in time for summer slaughter... Didn't happen, and they have not said 1 single word since.
Does anyone know what the hell is happening with the new necrophagist album? It was supposed to be out this summer in time for summer slaughter... Didn't happen, and they have not said 1 single word since.

They're becoming a T-shirt band... they arent gonna release anything else, dont you know?

But in all seriousness... I have no clue. I know some of their fans can be a pain... especially on myspace... but I suppose that's to be expected there.

So has anyone checked these guys out?

I found their first full length to be absolutely amazing.

So, finally!!!! the third part of the first trilogy, called "Our Infernal Torture", has been released, yeeee! :)

Link to their complete downloadgraphy: TD downloadgraphy

TD is:

Lord K Philipson (The Project Hate MCMXCIX, God Among Insects) - guitars
Tobben Gustafsson (Vomitory, God Among Insects) - drums
Jörgen Sandström (ex-Grave, ex-Entombed, Vicious Art) - vocals and bass

and the following news :)

With endless wrath we bring upon thee… OUR INFERNAL TORTURE!

There you go, the last part of trilogy one is now available, neatly entitled “Our infernal torture“. You will find it in the “Downloadgraphy” section of this site. 3 tracks of the world’s best death metal - all recorded for the purpose of us loving our death metal and handing it out to you for free. We know, we are the best - thank you. Once again we wanna thank Dan Swanö, the official Torture Division mixing sponsor, for giving us an incredibly heavy sound. Dan really is the fucken man. Just listen to what we have cooked up and try keeping your speakers from blowing up. It’s THAT fucken heavy.

Before we continue, let us state one thing: We believe we just accomplished some kind of a world record, prolly qualifying us for the Guinness Book Of Fuckitall. Some 3 hours ago we completed the mixing and mastering of this demo and you guys have it NOW. 3 fucken hours ago, people. Applaud us, dammit! We actually planned to give you guys this fantastic piece of death metal art earlier this week but since we discovered some digital errors we had to wait for Dan to have the time to fix those. And Dan is one busy fucken hero, that’s for sure. But now you have it.


We started this band with the intention of handing everything out for free and we’ll continue to do just that. We’ll now let you in on a secret… We had some money from the last print of t-shirts left so we decided to give the guys who helped us record this demo what was left cash-wise. How fucken noble is that? They always helped us out for free and now we could give back huge chunks of money to them (if you believe that “huge chunks” thing you are retarded). So thanx for buying our merch and helping us financing this recording.

Enough bullshit now.

Download the demo (no, we don’t sell any physical copies - you have the goddamn covers and everything available for download, print the fucken demo(s) yourself) and spread it on torrent sites, Rapidshare or whatever (read what’s written at the bottom of this page). Just get the fucken thing out there. Have people discover the world’s best fucken death metal. Do the same with our 2 previous demos, thank you. After that - support us by buying our coming merchandise. All the money we get from that go straight into the recording of the first part of the next trilogy and future shirts. Just as we have done all along. No need to change a winning concept, right?

We also have a few gigs coming up. First of we will destroy the Close Up Boat (info at just to quickly take our private jet after that, to Umeå and the House Of Metal festival ( We look forward to both these gigs so much it’s not even sane. We haven’t played live since the successful MetalTown gig earlier this year and really can’t wait to bring our death metal to the audiences again. Be fucken ready coz we will crush.

Oh, and you can also listen to the music we offer at Ubetoo. If you listen to us thru that site we might eventually get a dollar or two and it will cost you absolutely nothing.

Now we have given you a full album. 9 songs. Put them in any order you want and blast thru 9 tunes of the world’s best death metal. You can even put the 3 demo covers next to each other and you’ll see some magic. 2008 is completed, now we move into 2009 and the next trilogy.

But for now, enjoy the new fantastic demo and make sure to look at this site around x-mas, coz you haven’t forgotten that we have a 7 inch coming out then, huh? One cover (a WASP tune actually) and a brand new song coming up as if this demo wasn’t enough. Just keep yer eyes on this site and at our forums and make sure to make your voice heard about this new demo. And the 7 inch when it’s released, ofcourse.

We bring upon thee an army of three…

/ Torture Division, December 2009.
Does anyone know what the hell is happening with the new necrophagist album? It was supposed to be out this summer in time for summer slaughter... Didn't happen, and they have not said 1 single word since.

I don't know if i read this somewhere...could be a rumor but i heard something about a DVD....prolly a rumor....