Death Metal Bands

They're alright, I guess. A little superfluous in my book, given that Hypocrisy's Penetralia and Therion's Of Darkness... are simply better albums in the same basic style. Epitome of Darkness is an adequate listen, but nothing I'd come back to on a repeated basis.

Hmmm to me Penetralia sounds different from Epitome of Darkness, Epitome has that Zombie Death Metal feel.
Thanks for two great suggestions terrestrial! I think Miasma will slowly creep its way into my regular rotation

I've been into a bit of a doom spiral lately. Here's a bit of what I've been listening:

Lately, a band I found that I think has great potential is Hat, although a bit doomier than its influences:

Doomy, also great potential Galdrer:

Although I've mentioned this a few times, Dead of Winter has always been great to me:

Everything is delivered to Mr. Swanö!

And now we wait for him to get us a good fucken sound so we can unleash these 2 recordings asap. Keep an eye out on this site coz you will know about it here, first. Title(s), cover(s) and everything you could possibly want to know when it comes to this will be announced soon.

can't wait for these... first 2 demos for free on their website Torture Division... top notch death methul :)

for the people that still don't know them
We are Torture Division. We are an army of three. We are the world’s best death metal band, simply put. Lord K Philipson and Tobben Gustafsson decided that not starting a band together with Jörgen Sandström would be stupid. Upon being asked, Jörgen accepted the invitation and the band was born in the end of 2007.
Thanks for two great suggestions terrestrial! I think Miasma will slowly creep its way into my regular rotation

I've been into a bit of a doom spiral lately. Here's a bit of what I've been listening:

Lately, a band I found that I think has great potential is Hat, although a bit doomier than its influences:

Doomy, also great potential Galdrer:

Although I've mentioned this a few times, Dead of Winter has always been great to me:

I've been into doom lately too, i kinda like this band, all done by one guy, really really well done imo

bitch you stole my news AGAIN! haha.


m/ soooo sweet, too bad about myspace's quality being gay.

pretty great actually, i like the production a lot, which seems to be an issue as of late. i think good(or tolerable) production comes from having the money to pay for it, which means people enjoy your stuff enough to buy it, shitty produuction too me just means it's either your first demo, or the band isn't actually that great
holy shit, awesome news all at once.
new sanctification sounds awesome, been waiting for so long
cant wait for swanö to finish
