Death Metal Thread

I need to listen to more death metal. Anyone got some sugestions? I like Bloodbath,Death,Obituary,and Nile.

I would forget about checking out some of those 2nd rate bands with more similarities to your tastes and just branch out to more essentials. Based on your tastes you should probably be looking into the most basic classics everyone here loves, so grab Entombed's Left Hand Path, Dismember's Like an Everflowing Stream, and Morbid Angel's Altars of Madness.
dismembers massive killing capacity is also amazing, entombeds clandestine is also an amazing album, if you dont mind production canibal corpses "eaten back to life is surpringly tolerable
Also add: Incantation - Onward To Golgotha, Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells, Immolation - Closer To A World Below, Deicide - S/T, Possessed - Seven Churches, Bolt Thrower - Realm Of Chaos, Order From Chaos - Stillbirth Machine.etccccc
Yeah...the only record I haven't played more than 10 times...just doesn't stick with you. I don't understand the hate for Harnessing Ruin, I think the experimentation's they did on that record worked for them. Still have to give the new one a proper listen.

I have like a million albums to give proper listens to...

I'd like to add Repugnant - Epitome Of Darkness, Dead Congregation - Graves Of The Archangels, and Excoriate - On Pestilent Winds for newer DM to check out. Also the new Interment album is up your alley if you don't mind the sounds of early Entombed/Dismember!!!
Well I was trying to keep it basic, if we're talking accessible essentials that fans of Death/Obituary/Bloodbath would enjoy, those albums are easily the most popular, and if you're going to expand on that, Incantation/Immolation/etc. is far and away more essential than any other albums by Entombed or Obituary. IMO Grave and Funebrarum are the only really worthwhile bands on awia's list, much less essential, and those aren't their best albums.

P.S. - Fleshcrawl's first album is far and away the most underrated piece of death metal out there.
I just don't see the point in listening to Immolation's whole discography bar Shadows in the Light...there's just so many death metal classics out there from bands with one or two good albums that I just can't see why anyone would settle for less than the absolutely stellar works. I do need to get Unholy Cult though...
Well I was trying to keep it basic, if we're talking accessible essentials that fans of Death/Obituary/Bloodbath would enjoy, those albums are easily the most popular, and if you're going to expand on that, Incantation/Immolation/etc. is far and away more essential than any other albums by Entombed or Obituary. IMO Grave and Funebrarum are the only really worthwhile bands on awia's list, much less essential, and those aren't their best albums.

P.S. - Fleshcrawl's first album is far and away the most underrated piece of death metal out there.

I get carried away in these of the subjects I can go on about for hours and forget whatever question someone asked.

First Funebrarum is all you need, the 2nd album is a total let down imo. I prefer the Incantation influence on the the 1st one, also the split with Interment and the ep before that is pretty good.
Yea, Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods is one of the best DM albums of the decade; in fact it could be right up there with the very best like Dead Congregation and Necros Christos if it had better production (drums and vocals could both be a little better, you end up turning them up way too high to adequately enjoy the filthy guitar tone).
Can't wait for a new Dead Congregation release. The split a year ago wasn't enough...just a tease. I WANT MORE!!!!!

Dead Congregation right now would make my life. If Graves of the Archangels isn't the best death metal album of all time, it's easily the best released since '92ish.

Necros Christos would be nice too though, and they were supposed to be working on it..
dude i hope you checked out insect warfare n brutal truth n bucket full of teeth alrdy