Death Metal

Yeah, holy shit. Just the Myspace samples are great.

I've got to give this album some special attention. It sounds like Mithras if they were ten times heavier.
What do you all think of Sinister? I'm getting into this Dutch Death Metal band, they remind me of Cannibal Corpse, guitar-wise and vocalwise when Barnes was with CC for The Bleeding.
Someone on Amazon mentioned a Crossing The Styx/Diabolical Summoning doubledisc reissue, where can I find this at? I can't find Crossing The Styx anywhere but Diabolical Summoning goes for aorund 10 $ on ebay.
Cross The Styx and Diabolical Summoning are great. I have heard a few songs from their new one Afterburner which actually seemed good and more like the older albums.