Death Metal

I quite enjoy Necrophagist. I find them much less annoying and dull than many tech-death bands. Atheist, for example, make me want to do a double Van Gogh.

I got the C-187 album the other day. It is the worst album I have heard this year, by a New York fucking mile.
Agreed with Sentenced and Asphyx. Well, in terms if ruledom they're on par with Atheist and Gorguts. Cadaver's second is still unmatched though.

I have listened to ' Pains' a fair number of times and I still don't see what is so great about it. I guess I'll have to set aside some more time to see if I can crack it.
Dave reminds me of my friend Rich a little, kind of uncultured and unwilling to try new things.
Yes. I think they get too much shit from death metal elitists; they are not great songwriters, but the technicality is high-end and many of the riffs/solos are catchy. Muhammed Suicmez also has great deep growls, though his range is non-existent.

There just fucking boring. Its boring in the sense that theres nothing new. Muhammed just does not know how to write a song but hes knows how to play a super fast sweep picking lead.
There just fucking boring. Its boring in the sense that theres nothing new. Muhammed just does not know how to write a song but hes knows how to play a super fast sweep picking lead.

That's understandable, but for me, I listen to an album for its own merits and usually do not compare it to others in the genre unless I'm reflecting on it. Each album I listen to is self-sufficient and my pre-conceived notions don't usually come into play. This is how I can tolerate most music.
Eternal Solstice
Divine Eve
At The Gates
Liers In Wait
That's understandable, but for me, I listen to an album for its own merits and usually do not compare it to others in the genre unless I'm reflecting on it. Each album I listen to is self-sufficient and my pre-conceived notions don't usually come into play. This is how I can tolerate most music.

I don't see the big deal about necrophagist either. They are kind of catchy and are somewhat original. Nothing great but they are nowhere near as bad as people claim.
I think Entombed's album "Left Hand Path" has been totally under appreciated after Falco wrote that damn review of his. The guy touched upon some valid points, but then proceeded to overstate their importance on the whole. That said, it's an awesome album, but a little rough around the edges. The nostalgic value totally makes up for it, though (really bad point). :kickass:
I have listened to ' Pains' a fair number of times and I still don't see what is so great about it. I guess I'll have to set aside some more time to see if I can crack it.

Ah, I don't really know if I can explain this to you. In Pains is like one unified organic whole. 45 minutes worth of trance-inducing awesomeness. There's not even one moment on it that strikes me as being out of place. Everything is in perfect balance. Just listen to those understated riffing patterns in songs like Blurred Vision or During the End or any track,really. Each one is an absolute classic. The vocals always follow suit with the music. Alongside with the drums, they're like a backing instrument of sorts. I have never heard another DM album where the vocalist enriches the music so much.
In my opinion, no other DM album comes even close to In Pains. Even some of the greatest DM records seem merely average in comparison.
I think one thing that makes In Pains relatively accessible despite its oddity is the fact that it's not jarring or abrasive in any way. It's pretty easy listening, you just have to tune your ear to what's going on underneath there. I really hope you'll get it one day; the record is SO rewarding and worth all the trouble of the long process of getting the hang of it.

By the same token, I should probably give Crimson Massacre a couple more spins to see what makes it so good. It's just that The Luster of Pandemonium so aesthetically unpleasant, trebly and excessively blasting, that I want to push the stop button the minute it starts. But maybe it'll click with me one of these days.:)