Death Metal

Demigod are pretty much worthless after Slumber of Sullen Eyes.

What about it is horrible? Too much groove?


I noticed this anti-groove trend going on here lately which noticed generally is said by people who heavily indulge in shitty black metal.
yeah, the new tribulation is probably going to be the best death metal album to come out this year. (maybe necros christos album will be better..)

Ordered this from pulverized records.
It was supposed to be released yesterday along with the new Tribulation, so I would assume that it's out.
Demigod are pretty much worthless after Slumber of Sullen Eyes.


I noticed this anti-groove trend going on here lately which noticed generally is said by people who heavily indulge in shitty black metal.

Wasn't really into SOSE or SM, but LCP has a real good groove to it, and imo enjoyable vocals. I like groove in my metal sometimes, but yeah, I have noticed the anti-groove sentiment around here.
As do I. And I would be in the minority seeing as I enjoy some groove. Not that it's the greatest thing, but I do like something simple and groovy here and there. I'll admit to some SFU indulgence here and there.
There is nothing wrong with groove as such. However, groove, pursued as an end in itself, is a product of niggerdom and therefore has no place in metal.