Death Metal

Yeah, they're really, really bad now. They were never really that good but at least their debut was enjoyable at times. So much better when it was 2 guys, they had good catchy well-made riffs and songs and had some BM/thrash influences.
KH, I emailed Galgenstrang earlier about preordering the LP, it's like 18 plus shipping right? Not really that bad...the US-to-EU conversion is actually getting to be more bearable...hooray!

Also, that Karnarium album is so good, I got it yesterday...only listened once but I like the evil atmosphere and somewhat "new" style of songwriting they seemed to squeeze in while still having an evil morbid alte schule atmosphere. Great rec.
I completely agree, he is all over the place. There are some totally fucked up riff sections too, very interesting and complex. Also, I love the first song...MY INTENTION IS STICKING OUT A MILE!
Also, that Karnarium album is so good, I got it yesterday...only listened once but I like the evil atmosphere and somewhat "new" style of songwriting they seemed to squeeze in while still having an evil morbid alte schule atmosphere. Great rec.

Checked their Myspace, some great songs there. Very good rec, indeed. :kickass:
I'm giving Kaamos' first album a spin again. The first time I listened to it, I dismissed it as a mesh of poo and crap and shit and a homogeneous. However, I realize I may have been wrong. It's actually a fair album that can keep my interest. And the bass is audible! Love that much at least. Thoughts?