Death Metal

I've got a really stupid question but it's been bothering me. Since Molested's Blod Draum is filled with melodic riffs, would this make it melodic death metal? I mean it's not as melodic as Unanimated or Crown of Thorns, but if you call Like an Everflowing Stream melodic death, than shouldn't this be? Yes, I do know subgenres mean nothing, but I just want some clarification.
Almost all of the Death Metal I listen to has melody and do not think just because it or music has melody that it makes it a sub-genre of the actual genre because melody is apart of music in general. I just think bands like In Flames,etc... were so different sounding than Death Metal bands had to have a different genre because lumping them in would just not make sense at all which is how the term Melodic DM started because it was probably just the easiest way. The term Melodic Death Metal for the most part to me is just a way of lumping a smaller group of bands that are hard to coin.
Taking the whole melodic death = / = melodeath thing into account, it gets confusing sometimes, but yeah I see what you're saying.
I listened to an Anathema song and liked it. We, The Gods. This is a lot different than the usual more abrasive death metal I listen to.
I don't really like In Pains. I had for a while and then I sold it. It's too much of a fucking homogeneous suite.
2.5 stars is good enough I guess.:p

It's the only OSDM album to leave an enduring impression on me.Pretty much everything clicks with me on this album: the understated melodies that echo the vocalist's growls, the great drumming, the excellent pacing of the the songs, the well-placed stop-starts, the whole thing flows almost seamlessly. I've talked about it so many times already, so I'm not gonnna repeat everything.
But I know what you mean, sort of, it's not an easy one to get.

Albums everybody likes that I don't understand: I can't for the life of me figure out what's so special about Close to a World Below. I listened to it so many times, and it just sounds like barbarically overproduced infernal sludge to me, with some cool riffs thrown here and there.
Unholy Cult is very good though.
WHAT THE FUCK. Close to a world below is one of the best albums immolation has done. Listen to the last track and tell me this album is "infernal sludge"
The title track is the only thing that stands out to me. The production on Unholy Cult is much better, imo, as the drums are not as invasive in the mix and the songs are less meandering and have better climaxes.
I'm a huge fan of Immolation from Dawn of Possession right up to Unholy Cult. Harnessing Ruin was abit of a disappointment, even more so Shadows in The Light. I still listen to Unholy Cult and Here In After quite regularly though.