Death Metal

Are there any death metal bands that just blow everyone else out of the water.
Of course for me, Nile does. But thats about it.
oh, and im talking about fairly new releases.
Newer stuff? For me: Arghoslent, The Chasm, Crimson Massacre, Nile (as well, I agree), Pavor, Anasarca, Drawn and Quartered, Deny the Urge, Necros Christos, etc. I do tend to like older death metal better, like just about everyone else here, though there are great modern death metal releases.
Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey totally kicking my ass right now. I just love the dark, eerie feel to this album.
I saw this earlier in the store, but didn't have enough cash on me to pick it up along with everything else I wanted. I hear their second album is also good.
I can't stand them. Way too mechanical sounding with no emotion whatsoever.

I agree and basically find poland death metal really boring in general. I notice a lot of people think just because something is really clinical and compressed and mechnical it makes musicians more complex and technical when this actually makes musicians sound flawed to me more than perfect because the music sounds disjointed. Off timing also for me does not make something technical. Humans are flesh and blood and music that sounds like robots creating it does not cut it for me.

I agree and basically find poland death metal really boring in general. I notice a lot of people think just because something is really clinical and compressed and mechnical it makes musicians more complex and technical when this actually makes musicians sound flawed to me more than perfect because the music sounds disjointed. Off timing also for me does not make something technical. Humans are flesh and blood and music that sounds like robots creating it does not cut it for me.


even Vader? :erk: